Sunday, June 30, 2013

Prompt 278: Fragile

 This week's prompt is FRAGILE.

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How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog.
  • Come here and enter your URL into the inlinkz widget. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name or image.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new inlinkz widget each week so you always have to sign up on the current one.
  • Please do not sign your name on the widget unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • The links will remain here forever. A list of past prompts is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past prompt.
  • Please remember: Play by the Rules! The link to your poem may be deleted by us if you don’t.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Last Prompts

You may notice that the last three prompts for this cycle are suggested by us at One Single Impression. We are thinking that we are at the end of this journey and perhaps it is time for others to take over the management of this blog. But perhaps it is time for this blog to retire — we simply are not sure. Now there is Facebook (which we are not using to its full potential), Google+ (which we are not using at all), and other new sites and technologies that we honestly do not have the energy to engage. If anyone is interested in leading this group, e-mail Sandy or Andrée at the address on the right. Bless all of you and your talents. We have come to know you personally even if we may not even type to you or you to us. We are friends on Facebook and G+ and don’t want to lose those friendships. So let us know, and we shall move on through the next seven prompts!
Please be sure to e-mail your submission and any artwork to us by Friday before the posted date!




June 30 - July 6, 2013


Ramesh Sood of A Little More Than Ordinary

July 7 - July 13, 2013



July 14 - 20, 2013


Haiku Tuna

July 21 - 27, 2013


Gillena Cox of Lunch Break

July 28 - August 3, 2013


One Single Impression

August 4 - 10, 2013


One Single Impression

August 11 - 17, 2013


One Single Impression

If you are a prompt contributor, please send us the text of your poem and the image you would like posted to us before the post. No later than Friday before your prompt, please.

Mail your contributions to
The calendar and Past Prompt sidebar will be updated as soon as possible. As always, please notify me at if there are any errors here.

Blogging tip : Did you know that you can share any OSI post with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and with e-mail? Click on the symbols below each post, near the Comments link, and it will tell you how to do it! It’s simple! Pass the word!
Click here for the XML link for any RSS reader.
Click here to subscribe in iCal or Windows Calendar.
Click here to view the calendar in HTML in a browser.
The calendar now has links to all of the contributors.
However, the links are not clickable. Google has yet to implement this capability.
Thank you all so much!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Prompt 276: Dash

This week's prompt is dash. I began thinking about the various meanings of the word, so I went over to the Online Etymology Dictionary to track down its origins. I've included all I came across up to dashboard because I thought dashboard was interesting, if not relevant, and that's what happens when you open the dictionary.

dash (n.) Look up dash at
late 14c., from dash (v.). Sporting sense is from 1881, originally "race run in one heat."
dashing (adj.) Look up dashing at
1801, "given to cutting a dash" (1786), which was a colloquial expression for "acting brilliantly," from dash (n.) in the sense of "showy appearance," which is attested from 1715. The sense of "splashing" is recorded from mid-15c.
dash (v.) Look up dash at
c.1300, probably from a Scandinavian source (cf. Swedish daska, Danish daske "to beat, strike"), somehow imitative. The oldest sense is that in dash to pieces and dashed hopes. Intransitive meaning "move quickly" appeared c.1300, that of "to write hurriedly" is 1726. Related: Dasheddashing.
dashboard (n.) Look up dashboard at
1846, from dash (v.) + board (n.1); "board in front of a carriage to stop mud from being splashed ("dashed") into the vehicle by the horse's hoofs." Of motor vehicles, from 1904.

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How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog.
  • Come here and enter your URL into the inlinkz widget. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name or image.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new inlinkz widget each week so you always have to sign up on the current one.
  • Please do not sign your name on the widget unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • The links will remain here forever. A list of past prompts is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past prompt.
  • Please remember: Play by the Rules! The link to your poem may be deleted by us if you don’t.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Call for Prompts

Here we are again with a call for prompts.  Please leave a prompt in the comments section with a link to the blog where you publish your poetry.  Then, please check back to see when your prompt will appear.  Andree does a great job of posting a table with the dates and links to your blog.  Please send us a poem and a link back to you for this site on the week your prompt appears.

Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Prompt 275: Myth

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How to Participate in One Single Impression
  • Post your poetry on your blog.
  • Come here and enter your URL into the inlinkz widget. Other participants can easily find you by clicking your name or image.
  • Enjoy the beautiful poems of the other bloggers.
  • There is a new inlinkz widget each week so you always have to sign up on the current one.
  • Please do not sign your name on the widget unless you are participating in One Single Impression.
  • The links will remain here forever. A list of past prompts is on the sidebar. You can check back at any time for information on a past prompt.
  • Please remember: Play by the Rules! The link to your poem may be deleted by us if you don’t.