Ok. So I have been going to the gym for about 10 months now. On average probably 4 times a week. But for the last few months, 5 times a week. I'll admit, I've done well, all in all dropping about 20 pounds and generally feeling a heck of a lot healthier and more energetic. I am even at the same weight I was before I got married... But, I decided to try a Cardio Kickboxing Class today. As I was watching myself in the mirror throwing punches, kicks, and squatting, I couldn't help but notice the ever-present blob that is my belly. Hmmm. It seems that no matter what I do, this blob will always be. I've been told that fitness is 80% what you eat and only 20% exercise. So, I have been trying to watch what I eat, and I do really well, until about 9:00 at night, after my kids are in bed, and I sit my (also blobby) bottom on the couch to watch all of the silly shows that I have DVR'd. I could have done super all day, like maybe eaten only 1500 calories, but then as I am watching American Idol, or even worse, Food Network Challenge, the cupcakes that I have made for my kids start calling my name. Or the one last peanut butter Easter egg that has some how made it this far. Or the Double Vanilla Ice cream. Dang it! And since I can't just switch those statistics to 80% exercise and 20% what I eat, any advice on how to curb those late night cravings??? And don't just tell me not to eat after dinner. That will never happen!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Tulip Festival...
Sofie, being a good big sis.
Check out the look on Sofie's face. It really is love...
Tag! You're it...
Isn't he cute? I would approve (20 years from now, that is!) and we would have the best in-laws! (Love ya Tina!)
Thomas, Sofie, Rachelle, Ethan, Tyler
As Tina would say, my kids are little "posers". They really are! And I didn't even post the "Cheeeese" pose that Thomas did!
What fun we have! Thanks to all of our great friends! We are so lucky!
Posted by Très Sucré at 8:36 PM 3 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Who do you love? Svata, Sofie, Thomas, and my whole family.
How long have you been Married? It will be 9 years in September! My hubby would say, "The longest 9 years of my life!" But I would say the best... Sometimes hard, but always good!
How long did you date? 4 Months! Kinda scary, but wouldn't change a thing!
Who is Smarter? Well, hello, of course me! No, Svata is one of the smartest people I know. He remembers everything he reads or hear or learns. I think the only place I could beat him would be in the kitchen. And when it comes to taking care of kids I am the smartest hands down! Love you though hon :)
Who does the Laundry? I guess you could say I do. But not so much lately. If only I could show you all a picture of my laundry pile. Hmmm... Maybe this blog has something to do with the fact that nothing gets done around here anymore...
Who pays the bills? My hubby brings home the bacon, but I guess I make sure the bills get paid.
Who mows the lawn? I am proud to say that I don't even know how to use a lawn mower and I hope I never have to learn!!!
Who cooks dinner? Me. Always. Except when we go out. But I like it. Don't like the dishes, but like the cooking.
Who drives? Svata, unless his back is hurting.
I now tag: Jen Luker, Jen Tate, Becky, Tina, Kari, Jamie Crandal!
Posted by Très Sucré at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Palm Springs Trip, AKA Why the heck do we live in SLC?
Recently my darling, and perpetually positive cousin, wrote a blog entry about how much she loves to live in Salt Lake. This is not that entry... :) We just returned last night from Palm Springs, California. It was 95 degrees every day that we were there. We played in the pool, napped, laid out in the sun, played games in the sun, even ate breakfast in the pool. The sky never saw one cloud while we were there and there were palm trees and flowers everywhere. It was so relaxing and the perfect getaway. Then we came home. Urrgghh. Sofie keeps asking why we can't live there. I'm asking myself the same question. Of course, it does get to 120 degrees in the middle of July, but the other 11 months of the year, perfection. You don't believe me? Here are the pictures to prove it!
And here are some pictures of us enjoying the pool, the underwater lounge chairs, the built in underwater table, the fire pit, etc.... What a life huh!
Oh, and in case you're wondering where Thomas was in all of these pictures... No, we did not lock him in the closet while we had fun, he stayed home with grandma where they enjoyed a double ear-infection and a whole lotta fun. Thanks again mom! You are the best!
Posted by Très Sucré at 1:42 PM 6 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Sweet's Candy Factory Tour
Sofie's adorable classmates, listening intently...
Thomas was excited for the candy too...
This is after the tour, eating the samples. mmmm good.
Posted by Très Sucré at 1:21 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Posted by Très Sucré at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Out to dinner
Ok. So I am trying to figure out why we constantly torture ourselves by taking our kids out to dinner with us. First there's the loading them in the car. Then there's the waiting for a table, and the whining because they are hungry. And then there is the knocking over of items in the waiting area. Then comes the getting situated at the table and more whining because they are hungry. Then the I wants. And then the spilling of the waters, the throwing of the food, and the whining because they are full and now they want to go home. And then the restaurant actually expects you to pay for this torture. What the heck?! I always get excited when we are going out because it means that I don't have to cook and more importantly that I don't have to clean up after cooking. But, come on, is it really worth it???!
Sofie and Dad doing some artwork after dinner.
Thomas with his typical "Cheeeese". I even found rice in his ear after this dinner!
It's a masterpiece.
This was the spitting out of the food part...
Ok I had to zoom in on this one, because ever since my son was born I have been trying to capture a picture of his tongue. It's a snake tongue. Like, as in, it is long and it kinda forks out on the end. I know. Kinda creepy. You can sort of see it in this picture, but I promise, it's even snakier in real life! :) SSSSSSsssssssssss.............
Posted by Très Sucré at 1:10 PM 2 comments
Fun times.
Posted by Très Sucré at 12:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Tax time, otherwise known as, the week when my kids run wild, naked, unfed, unbathed, and generally cranky from lack of attention. And my kitchen floor sticky, bathrooms uncleaned, sink full of dishes, and hamper overflowing... Every year I make a resolution to be more organized. This encompasses my house, my car, my children, and my finances. By about January 7th I realise that the only thing that will actually become more organized is the little file of "Things I should have done and about which I feel guilty" that is perpetually filling up in the back of my mind! I just keep telling myself - well actually more like swearing at myself - that if I would have faithfully and dutifully filed all of those pesky little receipts each week as I had set out to do, I could have sat down at the computer, opened Quicken, and pushed that little button that says Tax Summary - and voila - I would have been ready for taxes. But no. That would have been way too easy. But, after 5 days of sorting, filing, categorizing, adding, subtracting, and what not, I am finally finished. Whew. Now I'll be interested to compare next year's entry of the same date. I bet it will be similar in tone. I guess it's just not really in my nature to be organized!
Posted by Très Sucré at 3:25 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Back to school???
I don't know, call it intuition, inspiration, a gut feeling, but whatever it is, it's pulling me, hard, to start doing something with my life! I love being a mom, don't get me wrong, but I have always felt that there was something more I was supposed to be doing with my life and my talents. I know that there is NO HIGHER calling than that of a mother, and I cherish it, and it will always come first. But right now I am going to do something for me, that in the long run is for my family too. I went and toured the Art Institute of Utah this morning. It was AMAZING! I'm thinking of going back to school to get a degree in the Pastry Arts. I am getting really serious about Très sucré and I have come to the conclusion, that if I am going to do this, I am going to do it right. I want to get the proper training, skills, techniques, that will make me more than just a mom who can cook! I want to be a professional, and marketable. As I toured the campus this morning I seriously almost started to cry. It was like my whole body was tingling with excitement and anticipation. I want this so bad I can taste it (and it tastes like french pastries;)
Posted by Très Sucré at 11:47 AM 7 comments