Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving was so nice this year! We played games, relaxed, ate and relaxed some more. It was just what we needed! 

Mom hosted at the lake and we took a couple pictures in the gorgeous sun with the lake view. I love my people!

My parents' part-time neighbors came over and brought some fruit in the shape of a turkey. The girls just loved it! They couldn't stop staring at it and eating it:) 

Couldn't even tell how many games of Disney Match we played. Macy Brooks is pretty good and she often won!! Great quality low-key time!

Mom puts up an outdoor tree on her front porch with the cutest outdoorsy ornaments. She let the girls decorate it. Very special:)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Macy Brooks' 1st Soccer Season

Denny's dream came true! Macy Brooks chose to play soccer!! She's smitten that her dad's the coach. They're having a great time! 

MB is actually a natural out on the field. She's running fast and scoring goals! It's really fun to watch her do well!

Kate comes for the snacks :)

Gigi and Papa were able to come to a practice and game. It was freezing that weekend! They are good sports! 

Aidan also played and they had a game against each other near the end of the season. They're adorable together!! Such good friends! 

Denny came out of practice the first Friday night saying it was going to be an interesting season. They ended up winning all their games except 1!!! Really fun! Way to go, Coach Denny!