Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Florida in February

We took some time off in late February and headed to visit Denny's parents, sister and brother. His parents have a 2nd home that we hadn't see yet. It is really cute and close to the beach! We left after work on a Wednesday and drove halfway only to have one of the worst nights ever in a hotel room with the 2 crazies! MB did not nap that day and stayed up until midnight in the hotel. Kate also had a hard time going to sleep and they proceeded to wake each other up on and off until 6am when we got up to leave. It was rough! They are used to a long nap and then night sleep from 8-8:30/9! But, we made it to Gigi and Papa's by naptime the next day.

We had lots of fun: going out to lunch, spending a day at the beach and soaking up quality time!

Here's Bob and Viv with their babies

Kate telling Daddy a story

Gigi and Papa with all their grandkids

Aunt Dana and Macy Brooks

Uncle Rob and Janie

cutie pie

Happy Girl

Kisses on the beach

Chasing seagulls with Momma


busy girl

love these 2!

Gigi and Papa kept Kate while we went to Disney World. They did a lot of walking around in the yard.


Thanks for a great visit you guys! See you soon:)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2.5 and 6 months

The girls are growing so quickly! Starting to think if I don't document soon, I'll forget these stages.

Kate is getting closer to 7 months and is a one of a kind. Your laid back period I last wrote about lasted a little less than 2 seconds:) You're as crazy as ever! I love you more than I can express, but to say the days can be challenging is an understatement. Your personality is typical girl. Super happy when happy, super mad when mad and super sad when sad.... You get the picture-you run the show and there's no swaying you:)

I can't look at your smile and not have my day brightened. You smile with your entire face and it's so contagious....see?
Let's take last Friday for an example of the craziness- We hung out in the morning and let Kate take a nap. We then left for the 20 minute drive to gymnastics. She screamed the whole way there, which I thought because it was coming up on feeding time. I fed her there and then we got back in the car to grab lunch and head home. She cried so hard I had to pull over and see if she wanted to eat more. As soon as she came out of the car seat she was all smiles and was not interested in eating. I changed her diaper(out of sheer checklist of what's wrong with her) and buckled her back in. She cried all the way to lunch, smiled as I held her while we ate, and cried all the way home. She was napped, fed and loved-still cried her heart out.

Fast forward to the afternoon- again, Kate was napped and fed when we left for her checkup. We drove 45 minutes to the pediatrician and only squeals of joy came from the backseat. She also laid on the table for another 30 minutes happy as a lark! There's just no rhyme or reason to this kid! You'd think after 6 months I'd have this girl figured out.

You are 14lbs, 15 oz (25%) and 26 inches (75%) and all was healthy at your appointment!

You really, REALLY love your momma! A lot of times, no one else will do. You're smart and study everything going on around you. You're fun and ADORABLE! I love you baby girl:)

You sleep 8pm-7am, nurse and sleep till 9:30/10. Then usually a long nap from 1-4. If the afternoon nap is shorter, you take a cat nap in the evening. I've given you yogurt, oatmeal, carrots, peas, squash, sweet potato, apples and pears. Everything has gone down great! We've just learned how to drink water from a sippy cup...took a few tries. I feed you oatmeal mixed with a fruit in the morning and a vegetable at night. You still nurse about every 3 hours. We persevered and made it through a little nursing strike at 5 months.

You do a really funny face when you poke out your lips. My friend calls it your "Donald Trump" face! It's kinda pouty and just looks it is!

So the other night I caught you doing the "trump" face while sucking your paci and it really cracked me up!

Macy Brooks- You are 2 and 1/2 and crazy fun! You are almost always happy. You love to be social-going to bible study, YMCA, gymnastics, playgrounds, anywhere. On Mondays we try to stay home all day. When you ask where we're going and I tell you nowhere, your reply is usually "oh man!" Our social butterfly:)

The sentences and conversations you come up with keep us laughing. When we call Daddy in the mornings to say hello you always ask him to "come to your house" too funny! You still say "hold you me," and I love it, I never correct you:) Today at the playground, you ran up to me saying "Ms. Ashly, Ms. Ashly" And you came up with that all on your own-funny girl.

After potty training easily in September it has taken you until January to actually go poop in the potty! I remained patient and kept telling myself you'd go on your own time and one day you just did it! FINALLY!

When you have attitude-you have ATTITUDE. The sassy-ness that can come from you is quite surprising some days. The thing you do that drives me the most crazy is buck around wildly when getting in your car seat. It doesn't happen every week, but when it does it's so frustrating! You are STRONG!

Colors and shapes are old hat for you and we're now working on letters. You know almost all the letter sounds and can recognize about half of the alphabet.

Kate is your favorite person ever! When we go on a stroller ride, it's "Kate go with me?" when we go upstairs, "Kate go with me?" You still always ask me if Kate's awake or what she's doing. You are always wanting her to look at you and have started to make her laugh. When Kate cries at home you hop up and grab her a paci from the kitchen drawer and give it to her without being asked. "I help her, I help her!"

You still do not play on your own very well. Occasionally, you will get lost in pre-tend play with your babies or sit and look at books, but you are NEVER in another room without me! I'm not quite sure how to encourage that. I think it will get better when Kate is crawling and you two can hang out in the playroom together.

My favorite thing you do lately is thinking gymnastics is called "gymnastics today" Every time we talk about gymnastics it's always coupled with 'today' so I guess you think it's called 'Gymnastics today' Same with 'stroller' you call it 'stroller ride' because of how I say it, "Macy Brooks, you want to go on a stroller ride to the pond?" So it's just called that in your eyes! Hilarious!

I pray for you girls continually throughout the day and over you at night. I pray for you to want to know and love Jesus, for your husbands, for Denny and I to raise you well, for you to love each other and be best friends.

*Thank you Jason, for our latest family photos! We love them:)