I've teared up several times today on your 18 month birthday. You are growing and changing into such a little girl more and more everyday. Makes Momma a little sad(ok, a lot sad!) Where's my baby?
Words are flying out of your mouth constantly. You're starting to repeat what we say. If a whine starts to come out I give you that look or say "use your words" and you instantly sign or speak what you would like. My very favorite things you say now are "yes"(along with the sweetest, most deliberate head nod) and "this". I think it's because you have the slightest little lisp and it sounds so sweet! Other words include:
momma, daddy, paci, baby, nose, eye, yes, this, sierra, maddie, jill, ryder, kenzie, mimi, poppa(constantly), book, night night, no, down, up(comes out as "bup"), movie, bye bye, help, flower, shower, bow, sock, I don't know, jackson, water, cheese, waffle, egg, cracker, cookie, diaper, ball, poo poo, peek a boo. I'm sure there's more....
You sign eat, milk, play, momma, more and please. When you sign please it's incredibly hard not to give you whatever you are asking for. So sweet!
The other day you fed yourself a bowl of cereal all by yourself!
Still loving food and eating a wide variety. I can tell that you are getting slightly more picky and your appetite is slowing a little. Sleep is still going well! We are down to 1 nap from about 1:45-4:30/5. Some days we still do a rest time in your bed from 10-11. You like to get in there and snuggle your blanket and paci. You just lay in there and rest and call for me in a little while. It usually does you good. At night you are ready for bed between 7:30 and 8 and wake around 8 am. I never hear from you in the middle of the night. So thankful you are a good sleeper!
You have 13 teeth, including 4 molars. That's kind of crazy to me, because just at Thanksgiving you only had 4 teeth!
Some ways you are becoming a little girl:
Sporting your first pony tail:) Momma almost cried when I saw this!
You go to Waumba Land(church nursery) with no tears and seem to enjoy it now!
We keep your paci in your bed, but the other evening I was getting ready upstairs and you were running around with it playing. So when were were dressed and ready to go I said "okay, Macy Brooks, go put your paci in your bed so we can go meet Mimi for dinner." You ran down the hall, threw that paci in your bed and met me at the top of the stairs. When you joined me you said "ok!" Like, I'm ready to go now mom!
Daddy was carrying you out of church last week(I stopped for a bathroom break) and you said "Momma?" and Daddy said "Where is she?" and he swears you said "I don't know" So big!
Another day we were heading out to run some errands. I said "are you ready to go?" and you ran to the playroom, grabbed your baby and joined me at the door. So adorable how you have your own thoughts and ideas. You decided on your own to bring the baby doll so you ran and got her!
You love to be outside and will grab our hands and lead us to the door to go out and walk on the sidewalk or play on the deck.
You've become quite the waver. You love to wave at others, including strangers and cars driving by. It's a sweet whole hand flappy wave and I love it!
When we unload the dishwasher you hand me all the silverware one by one to put in the drawer.
You know where the baby is and love to lift my shirt and pat my belly. We just bought you a couple of books about being a big sister. I know you're going to do great!
You are very loving. You give the biggest hugs where you wrap your arms around my neck and squeeze. Sometimes you pat me on the back! I always want to remember that feeling!
At the valentine party with our playgroup, you created your first craft! A little mailbox where you put on the heart stickers. You did a good job with little help!
Daddy and I have decided to leave you in your room since it connects to the bathroom. The baby will go in the front bedroom across the hall. We painted it a soothing soft sage green color. We are going to paint your blue room a light pink. I've purchased a nightstand and dresser(which I painted white with a pink interior). We are getting a white daybed from a friend for your big girl bed. I found you the sweetest, hand made shabby chic quilt and bed skirt. Your big girl room is going to be sweet, girly and elegant!
I think that about wraps up your year and a half update. You have brought us more joy I could have thought possible. I love you so much! Momma is incredibly thankful Daddy works hard so I can stay home with you. We have great days together! You are an amazing little girl. I thank God for you constantly and pray you will choose Jesus when it's time. The other night I was rocking you, telling you that Momma loves you and Jesus loves you. When I told you about Jesus, your eyes got big and you said, "uh huh" kind of in a "tell me more" tone.
Love you big girl!