Monday, December 31, 2012


I thought I would take a few minutes and record some of highlights of the last year.

 Sadie (1 month shy of 6)
Sadie finished up her second year of preschool and in August she started all day kindergarten at a local charter school. She has an amazing teacher and Sadie is doing great in school. She does especially well in reading and math. Sadie is a great big sister and is always very helpful. She is a joy to be around.

David (3 and 1/2)
David started his first year of preschool this August. I decided to do things a little bit differently with him and I organized a mother's group preschool. I was a little nervous about it, but it has been awesome. We each teach in 3-4 week segments and have a fairly loose curriculum. I have loved spending the extra time with David. David started preschool knowing his letters and their sounds and he could recognize all of the numbers. Chris sat down to read with him this last weekend and David was blending sounds without having to sound them out, so he is ready to start reading (as soon as I am ready to start teaching him.) 

 Eve (22 months)
Eve (aka Evie, Evo, Lulu, and Evel Knievel when she is causing trouble) is still such a happy little person. She can say almost anything and her favorite phrases include, "I can't do it!" and, "I don't want it." Her bottom teeth have really come in the last few weeks and she will soon have a full mouth of teeth. She has adjusted well to nursery and she even started potty training at 20 months. She still isn't perfect, but she is doing great.

Chris just finished up one of his busiest work years. He is (finally) feeling settled in his job (that he has had for 5 years) and loves the people he works with. In August (or was is it September?) Chris got released from his calling as Young Men's President and is now happily serving as the Ward Financial Clerk. Although he misses the young men, we are hopeful that this new calling will allow for more family vacations Hey, I can hope, right?

One of the highlights of my year was going on our Stake Pioneer Trek with Chris. The day before we left we found out that we would be expecting a new baby! Now I am 35 weeks pregnant and starting to feel some of the uncomfortableness that accompanies the end of pregnancy. We still don't have a name picked out for this little guy, but we hope to agree on one soon. I'm grateful for the opportunity that I have to be a stay at home mom and be completely involved in my kids lives. I look forward to adding one more little person to our family this year!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Celebrations

 We started out our Christmas season with  our ward Christmas Breakfast and visit with Santa Claus. I'm still learning how to use the camera on my phone, so sorry this is so bad. 

We've been lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Olson here with us to celebrate Christmas. Their first day here we took them to David's favorite place, the Train Park.

 We also took them to see the Christmas lights at the Mesa Temple.

The kids got all ready for bed on Christmas Eve with their new pajamas.

Sadie's most anticipated gift was a Brave Barbie.

David's most anticipated gift was new cars.

 The next day Sadie and I spent a few hours putting together this lego house. I am not sure who had more fun.