Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Last but not least. Still Spring break
Spring Break Cali, 09
Body Worlds, still.... Spring Break.
We also rode bikes down the breeze way. Mexico was just a few miles away. Brad is amazing. He loves to be out and active.
Spring Break Cali, 09
This is a resturant called Anthony's its off the coast in downtown and it has the best fish and cowder. Serious it could compete with Bostons! We walked sea port village and of coarse had to go see the harley store. Brad got this sexy dragon hat that he looks fantasic in. And if any one wants some new sexy leather stilettos. Harley has the CUTEST pair.
Spring Break Cali, 09
This pix needs explaining. Yes there seems to be couple who just feel like this need to get married on the beach. Weird that their isnt two witnesses huh? isnt that a rule? Yeah that is my FATHER is the background walking. He wanted to show this pix to his Marriage class to prove a point about the sanctity of marriage.
Spring Break Cali, 09
On sunday dad let me teach the lesson. I went over my mish and some church history stuff because thats whtat we are studying this year. After we packed up a lunch and took off to Balboa park for a picnic at the park. We sat under the flight path for SD airport so every 30 seconds a HUGE plane was comein in to land. We can frizbees and a bunch of fun park stuff. And we also can forget the couple that made out for THE whole time we were their. wow. get a room... or a life...
Spring Break Cali, 09
These are the cute girls, that were fun to be with in calli. They spent the days getting burned and grooming... so that they could show off to all those rich retired navy people. funny girls!
Picnic with the poppies
Friday, March 13, 2009
How Much Trash Gets Thrown Away Each Year? March 20th, 2007 • Related • Filed Under
“Each year, the typical American family throws out 2,460 pounds of paper, 540 pounds of metals, 480 pounds of glass and 480 pounds of food scraps.
All told, each of us throws away more than 1,200 pounds of trash per year, far more than people in most other countries.”
How is that possible? 2,460 pounds of paper? Ha, we know where that comes from, the junk mail that comes to your house even if you don’t want it. 80 percent of what is thrown away gets put into landfills, which makes it of no use to anyone but the earth, who really doesn’t want it. The other 20% is split in 2; 10% gets recycled and 10% gets incinerated. 10% is recycled? That’s a sad percentage!
Want some more statistics on trash? I know you do:
The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years.
Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes about 19 pounds of carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere. For a single car driving 1,000 miles a month, that adds up to 120 tons of carbon-dioxide a year.
About 110 million Americans live in areas with levels of air pollutants the federal government considers to be harmful.
Americans dump 16 tons of sewage into their waters — every minute of every day.
Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups every year, and 2.5 million plastic beverage bottles every hour.
Americans throw away about 40 billion soft drink cans and bottles every year. Placed end to end, they would reach to the moon and back nearly 20 times.
Eighty-four percent of a typical household’s waste — including food scraps, yard waste, paper, cardboard, cans, and bottles — can be recycled.
Using recycled paper for one print run of the Sunday edition of The New York Times would save 75,000 trees.
America’s refrigerators use about 7 percent of the nation’s total electricity consumption–the output of about 25 large power plants.