Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Thomas - 5 months old

So much personality!
The changes that have taken place between month 4 and month 5 have been fun to watch. 
He's smiley and laughs.  
He is trying to roll over and he is starting to recognize the people in his life.
Thomas has a range of expressions and is a generally happy baby.
I tell people all the time that every mom deserves a baby like Thomas. 
He is great at the things that babies should be great at (eating, sleeping, smiling) and he is easy to care for.  
He is still a baby and he still requires so much work but he is a great little baby!
And he is deeply loved by his siblings!
They flock to him, they assist him, they talk to him and they smoother him!
We are constantly telling them to back off, to get off him and to get out of his face.
But they never listen...
and luckily for us, Thomas handles it really well!


At the end of April, we went to a family birthday party and the kids had a BLAST on their trampoline. 
They played well together, they laughed and they wore themselves out.
Kjetil got in on the action and the laughter was almost uncontrollable. 
Soooo, we started looking at new and used trampolines.  A few options looked appealing but the best option was the one that Kjetil found for FREE-FIFTY-FREE!
He worked hard to put it together and tolerated his little helpers as they did their best to assist him.  He endured the rain and constant questions from the little people.  
After a LOT of hard work, he got it all put together and the kids haven't stopped playing on it since he gave them the thumbs up!

Playing at the park

One particular morning in April, I decided to try to let Thomas just sleep in the stroller while the others played at a park.
Joseph was in HEAVEN!
And Emily was his faithful sidekick!
They weather was wonderfully delightful and it was so pleasant to be outside and away from our street.
The only downfall - 
This cute little guy refused to sleep in the stroller. 
And can you blame him - a beautiful day, a fun park and a few pictures in the grass.