Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Fun 2011

This summer seemed to go by so fast. We have been busy having fun. We went to SLC for a short trip and visited Grandma Olsen and the zoo. Easton turned 6 and we spent the day bug and crawdad collecting. Dax turned 2. For the fourth of July we had Chris's family visit us. We have been bug collecting all summer and Aaron spent a lot of weekends archery hunting. Easton started kindergarten and loves it. He is really good at math. Adelin is in preschool. She is a crack up. Her latest comment was when she was showing Kaitlee to her cousin. She said "Ella, look how beautiful my baby is. Come look isn't she pretty? She won't bite." Dax is still the best toddler. He is talking really good and loves to play outside. He has no fear of bugs and he loves to wrestle with Aaron and Easton. Kaitlee was born on Aug. 30, almost 3 weeks early. She had IUGR (stopped growing) and so I was induced. I have never been induced so I was really nervous. I labored 10 hours and had her unmedicated. It was a really good experience but I don't think I would do it again because I was shaking so bad. She weighted 5 lbs. 6 oz and was 19 inches long. She is beautiful and a great baby. We just celebrated Aaron's 30th birthday in Vegas and had a Thanksgiving Feast. It was a lot of fun except for when our tire blew on the way home.

Lately things have been busy. We love having Aaron done with school but it still seems there is always something to do or get done. Will it ever end?!! I guess I still am adjusting to 4 kids but I love every minute of it. Below are some random photos of our life. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


So it's been awhile since I have posted. Things haven't been to excited since I've been sick with baby #4. I am thankful that my mom lives so close to help out! I don't know what I'd do without her. Daxton did have surgery on his hernias. He has recovered good. Easton and Adelin are both in preschool and love it. Aaron is in his last semester and we can't wait till it's over. He is going 24/7. I'm currently studying to pass the ACE personal trainer exam.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Saville's

Back in July we received new neighbours, the Saville's. A couple days after they moved in, Jeremie (the dad), was life flighted to SLC. The Saville's soon found out that Jeremie (who I believe is 34 years old) had leukemia. Treatment hasn't been the best for him and just recently they found a tumor in his spine, that is continuing to grow. The outlook isn't good. Their family, of seven, is open to donations. They could really use the help. Their blog address is You can go to their blog to donate and to also keep up on his progression. Please also remember them in your prayers.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Well, it has been a long time! Sorry! Anyway, things have been great for our family! We had a great summer especially the time we spent with our neighbors boating and going to the cabins in Zion's. We recently had an adult Halloween Party at our house . We had a scavenger hunt that was so fun! Daxton started walking last month. Aaron (29), Bri (30), and Adelin (3) had birthdays. Aaron has only 1 more semester till he graduates with his master in public admin. I am missing a ton of pics so when I get time I will post some more. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

Adelin and cousin Sophia

The fam on Halloween

Ken and Aaron made this spider for the WCC Halloween Party

Aaron, Easton, and Adelin at the WCC Halloween Party

Easton at his preschool trunk-or-treat

Aaron and Dax

Adelin and Easton at our Ward Halloween Party 2010

Adelin on her 3rd birthday

Adelin and Dax

Daxton, 14 months old

Adelin, Easton, and Nikko at the HomeDepot workshop day

My Aunt Edie, from Tennessee, came out to visit

Easton with his favorite car at a car show

Easton on pajama day at preschool

Easton and a zucchini from our garden

Mom, Sophia, Amy, Megan, and Bri at the General Relief Society Broadcast

Megan, Sophia, and Bri watching Morgan perform in the marching band

Dax into drawers

Aaron's and Ken's birthday. Aaron turned 29 this year. I made him go see Eclipse and went to dinner.

Dax's first hair cut after pic

Dax's first hair cut before pic

HS girls trip 2010. We went to Vegas, stayed at Vdara, ate lots of yummy food, and had loads of laughs!

We spent the day at Mandalay Bay Beach Pool

The kids exhausted on the way home from a cabin retreat with our neighbors

The Homer's with us at Zion's. Thanks for the fun cabin retreat Jana!

Swimming with the Homers and Edgels in Zions

My awesome neighbor Christy and Adelin

Dax and Aaron at Cedar Breaks

Cedar Breaks

Hunter's Birthday at Sandhollow

Slip and Slide at Sandhollow with the Homers

Bowling on Daxton's 1st Birthday

Dax sucking the side of his bed. He does this every time he goes to sleep!