Sunday, March 30, 2008


Did we find the right place? Where's Prow Prow? We don't think we are in Kansas anymore.....

Bob and Blackie.....


This is my buddy Wilbur. Wilbur's Mom and Dad are friends with my Mom and Dad and they live a few miles away from us. Don't tell anyone but I'm secretly jealous of Wilbur's long ears. I have short nubby ears and they look kind of silly on my big fat head. Wilbur's Mom says I have "ear envy" whatever that means. Wilbur also has a sister named "Dolly". Wilbur loves to tease Dolly by grabbing her squeaky toys and running away with them. What really makes Dolly mad is that Wilbur will squeak the toys while he's running circles around the couch. Everyone laughs when Wilbur plays keep-away with Dolly but Dolly doesn't think it's funny at all. My Mom calls Dolly the "cutest dog on the planet". What's up with that? I thought *I* was the cutest dog on the planet! Humph!


Hi everyone! My name is Ollie-Ballie and I live in the mountains of Southern California (Big Bear Lake). I live here with my Mom, Dad and "Sissy" (they're my human family) and my lifelong canine buddy Tazzy. Oh yeah, for some reason my Mom and Dad decided we needed a cat in the family (don't ask me why!) The cat's name is Kalea but my Mom calls her "Prow Prow" because that's what she sounds like when she meows. As far as I'm concerned Prow Prow is pure evil and I try to stay as far away from her as possible. Oh, I also have a human brother who lived here with me until he turned 18 and went off to college. I miss him because he's the only one who will stick up for me when the rest of the family members are making fun of me. Okay, maybe I am a tad overweight but I can't help it... I'm big boned! I'm not FAT I'm FLUFFY! Geesh! Well all of this typing has tired out my paws. I'll post more later... Ollie