Monday, July 16, 2012

Our Last Month In Oklahoma.... Packed with lots of friends, family and fun!

Since we were living in a hotel during the Easter holiday, Our friends the Pierson's invited us over for dinner. this was the best pictures I could get of my kiddos. They were to excited to go play with there friends.We had a wonderful time. Ate yummy food,  had a little Easter egg hunt,visited, and the kids played there little hearts out.

We had a memorable Easter this year. We were living in a hotel  so we made the best of it. We colored Easter eggs, and in the morning found eggs hidden all around the hotel room. The Easter bunny hid some right by Hope's head. She was sad she didn't wake up to see him.

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Kylene came to visit!!!! We had a week long party!! since we both were staying in the hotel it felt like we were on vacation. I couldn't keep my kids from their hotel room. Every second they wanted to be with them ( maybe its because they spoiled them rotten ) :0) the first night we took them to Brick town, visited the memorial, walked along the little river walk, and ate at Coach's ( it overlooked the baseball field and they were playing that night!) Kylene was so happy. I wish I could take credit for planning that evening, It was exactly what she loves. The week went by so fast. We went to the children's/ science museum.We played with bubbles, watched the" science live" show, ate lunch in a beautiful garden area, felt what a earthquake and tornado felt like, checked out the trains and air planes, and watched the kids run crazy on the gymnastics mats. Then we went over to the Zoo!!!! we saw  lots of animals! watched the cute elephant show, fed the giraffes, took lots of pictures, played at the children's petting zoo and the girls played in the water while the adults sat down to relax. In the evening we meet up with Lance for dinner at the horse races!!!! We lots of busy fun days. It was a wonderful memorable week, we were very sad to see them go.
My girls playing  in the water at the Oklahoma zoo.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fresno house hunting trip... the beginning of it all

Having the Carlile's come with us on our house finding trip was Brilliant! We all had a wonderful time.Late nights in the hotel, lots of  swimming, beautiful weather, beautiful parks, eating ice cream under the palm trees, a day at Yosemite national park, yummy restaurants and checking out the city. We fell in love with Fresno, and I think they did to, they are moving here in 3 days!!! :0) 
I just love this picture of Hope with Yosemite Falls in the background. We are so lucky to live so close to this beautiful national park.
We decided to play in L.A for a day before flying home. We walked down Venice beach, ate yummy mexican food, had a late night snack overlooking the city views in our amazing hotel, and checked out the children's museum. Then it was time to fly home.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


We love and miss you all

SANTA GOT US ..........

A BOUNCE HOUSE!!!!!!!!.... we must have been good

Holiday fun

Our Holidays have been full of fun... game nights with friends, christmas lights and ice cream in Yukon, Boat ride and santa visit at Brick Town ( santa had gone home so we just sat in his chair), and ofcourse making cookies for santa on christmas Eve.

New Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve!!
I love our family tradition of picking out our Christmas tree and decorating it together. It really felt complete this year with all 3 of our kiddos.

Happy Thanksgiving to us!!!!!

My sister came!!!! We were SO Lucky to have Joni, Olivia, and Vic come for Thanksgiving. Perfect Thanksgiving day.... yummy dinner, comfy clothes, football, naps, Macey's parade, giggling girls, wonderful desserts, and happy tummies. We had such a fun time on our "date night" at the horse races. It was just what we needed to get away from the kids for awhile. We love and miss them so much, we feel so special that they came to see us. Thanks again*
Cousins* play dress up, dance, giggle, decorate cookies, celebrate Olivia's 4 yr birthday, go to POPS, play at Science Museum,watch christmas tree lighting, eat pizza, have slumber parties, color, draw with chalk, run around, play with baby dolls, eat cupcakes, Hug, Love, and miss eachother

We Love having visitors!!

So wonderful to have Lance's brothers with us. It was a short trip but a great one. We played, went to the memorial, fed the ducks, and walked along Brick Town ( down town). Thank You for coming out, even if it did make Lance Way more home sick.

It was so great seeing our best friend Brian even if it was just for a evening. We gave him the "tour" of OKC, ofcourse that includes the Oklahoma bombing memorial and eating at Toby Kieths Bar and Grill. Lance and Brian also got to see a movie ( just like old times) before he had to drive up to Dallas. Thank You so much Brian for visiting!