Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crazy in Her Eyes

As a mother I find myself saying things I never imagine I would have to say, or in places I never thought.... Today I had to say: There is no body slamming in church!!

Today was one of those days that trying to referee 3 kids during church didn't disappoint. We were standing with the congregation while singing the rest hymn, The Spirit of God.... such a lovely song. I look over and see Vivien wrestling Milo on the church pew. Jeff gets her to get off, and she jumps back down on top of Milo.

Jeff manages to get her off for good, and she takes the pen she is holding (so glad she is body slamming Milo while holding a pen.) she places it between her teeth, bites down while baring her teeth and me and opens her eyes big and wide at me. She seriously had crazy in her eyes at that moment, and I loved every second of it.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Out of the Mouths of Babes

The kids were in playing,  I was in folding laundry,  and I heard Milo say to the girls...

"Let's get a knife and I'll bust this thing open!! "

Do I worry about the knife choice, the item being busted,  or the 30 possible fingers that may be in has way.

Sink or Swim

The last class of each swimming lesson session (that is a mouthful) does a water/boating safety type of thing. It involves putting the kids in a raft and splashing,twisting and turning them about before flipping them out.
I may enjoy this night too much! hehehe

Thursday, October 25, 2012


We are in shock after asking a man in the parking lot to jump start our car, and he told us no!!
I hope he doesn't have a mother, or a wife, or a daughter that ever find themselves in the same situation.

Luckily, Hannah's very kind swimming teacher came to our rescue. Yes, mom, it was the same handsome teacher she had last session.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


I love that when the camera comes out Sweet Cheeks pulls a good face.  It is either the biggest, cheesiest grin or something like this.

She is so her mother's child. Love Her!

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Love Story

This is the tale of a boy and his love for his dog...

One day the boy was extra grumpy and tired.  His mama said he needed a nap,  and this made the boy mad.  While his mama was putting his sister down for a nal she was gearing herself up for the struggle she was going to have getting the boy to nap. When the mama came out she found the boy on the floor next to his best friend,  his dog. The boy and his dog have such a special bond,  because the dog can calm the boy better than anything or anyone else.

The mama loves the boy, the boy loves the dog,  the dog most likely loves the boy,  and the mama loves the dog for the power it has over the boy.


Nothing like relaxing on a park bench, soaking up the sun, listening to your kids giggle and play.
Perk of the job. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Struggles

I must admit that Sundays used to be a favorite of mine,  but they have dropped on the list lately. I try to take it easy and do as little work/cleaning as possible,  but the messes make me crazy. This morning we just let the kids play, and my house shows it, and I must admit they were getting along well... So well that they didn't want to stop  to get ready for church.  And trying to get my little troops to clean up is near impossible even with extravagant bribes.

You would think that the headache of getting out the door would be worth it, because of the 2 hour kid-free break.  But after the painful task of trying keeping my 3 ring circus to more of a 3 person mime show during sacrament meeting is exhausting.  And then I go teach a sunbeam class of 3 and 4 year olds.

Today was one of those hard Sundays where I struggled ji the morning.  But I was able to get something out of the speakers in between the shushing and separating of little people.  And even though it was the chaotic Sunday,  also known as the practice for the primary program,  there was a sweet spirit that brought peace.
We just finished dinner and my very crazy,  yet very happy children ran out back to play and I can't help but smile as I watch and listen to them play and giggle as only kids can. 
Hopefully I can remember this feeling next Sunday morning when we start the process again.

Friday, October 12, 2012


I love these 2 girly-whirlies and I love that they have such a fun little relationship.

What I don't understand is how someone as reserved and proper as me, has 2 crazy ladies for daughters.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Three Little Monkeys

The kids are out of school for fall break,  and Jeff asked if we wanted to venture out to Shawnee with him.  Years ago we went with Jeff often on these drives,  and they were always a bit of an adventure.  I have decided that my life must have been very boring back then...  Because these little trips aren't as much fun now.

The best part was the 5 minutes we waited out front of the Pottawatomie County Court House and watching my little monkeys entertain themselves.

The rest of the time, the actual driving part, involved lots of whining, fighting, yelling (mostly by me),  shushing the kids when Jeff had to take a call.

Ok,  in all fairness to my little troops,  this trip was supposed to take place in the ultra cool minivan (we might jave to rethink that name) ... But when we were picking Jeff up, I pointed out that the a/c felt like it wasn't working quite right.  So we took it back over the the mechanic. (Yeah,  we picked it up from them yesterday morning after having other repairs done.) We left the van and the entertainment (the dvd player and movies)  and took the car.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I can't wait...

Tomorrow is the first day fall break!! My kids are excited, not sure what they are excited for.... But I know that I am excited to stay in bed a little later and perhaps get a little more sleep!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

If Only...

Does it make me a terrible mom to wish I had a nice little set of lockers at home, like these ones that are at our local YMCA to place my little monkeys in? I found as much enjoyment as they did when they climbed in and closed the doors.... If only they weren't so easy to open from the inside.