Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gingerbread House

I had considered doing the graham cracker house thing, but wasn't sure if I was up to it with the kids, and I put it off long enough....  I saw this gingerbread house kit on sale at the store and went with it...

We put it together on Christmas Eve, I have already made a not to myself to do it earlier next year....

I really think I am going to do graham cracker ones next year, I think they could handle it. I saw some fun ideas around blog land during the holidays where people get together with friends or cousins and turn it into an all evening/day event.
That would be a fun tradition!

Start Student

December 2, 2010
Every month Hannah's school has a character trait that they learn about and try to work on....
and each teacher picks 2 students who showed the trait, to be recognized during the monthly assembly.
Hannah's teacher chose her for Start Student.

The school tells you not to tell your child that they have been picked,
so it's fun to see the surprise on their faces when they get called.
Hannah saw us before, so you can just see her try to figure out whey we were there.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas Card Failure...

In my attempt to catch up on this here blog I will leave nothing out...
So, unless you are my mother, or mother-in-law you will get way more of my kids than you want...

My friend told me about a cute Christmas card idea that I fell in love with, it read:
Angels We Have Heard All Night.

This really summed up our life back in November... lots of little "angels" up numerous times a night, lots of early mornings, and lots of tears (most of those might have been mine.)

I heard the saying and I imagined a cute card with a picture of each of my kids in angel wings.

I started with Vivien...
A sucker was needed to even get this busy bee, I mean angel, to sit still.
Reality set in, there was no way I was going to get Milo in my cute wings AND smiling.

So I changed my goal and hoped for the true sounds we hear in the night... YELLING!

Well the whole thing was exhausting, and in true Megan fashion I took the easy road.... I scrapped the idea.

Oooohh... but she does make a cute cupid... Valentine's anyone?  HAHAHA!
Yeah right, I'll think about it for a couple of weeks, and then it will be too late.

P.S. And in case you are wondering what I ended up using as a Christmas card... I didn't!
I save the planet and my money, better luck next year!

Pumpkin Patch

October 20, 2010
Hannah's class went on a field trip with the other kindergarten classes to a pumpkin patch.
I was lucky enough to get to go with them.
They had a great time seeing all the produce that is grown there..

The chickens were a big hit... 
but were probably happy to see all the kids go.
And the cute little pumpkins were the prize of the day.
It was fun to get to meet all of Hannah's little classmates.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Little Bird...

Word on the street is that I don't blog enough... I KNOW!!
I just keep getting farther behind, and that doesn't seem to make it any easier.

A little bird told me that all the family far away is feeling cheated on all they are missing out on...
especially with this little one that is growing and changing.

To that I say... I'LL TRY TO DO BETTER! But if you aren't content buy a plane ticket!
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Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Postcard to My Mom....

Dear Mom,

I was getting ready to go do some reading, but quickly checked a few blogs, I saw your recent blog post.... 
I don't miss Utah winters!
I grabbed my book, and plopped on the couch face on the sunny side. 
That is when I thought more about your post.

I altered my plans a bit... blinds up, couch closer to the window.

P.S. Ignore the dirty windows...
most of the yuck is between the window and storm window.