The Days of '47 Parade in downtown Salt Lake. Despite their faces, they all had a good time.
Here are a few pictures
The Escort didn't survive the accident & wasn't worth fixing. We got a great deal on a 2004 Toyota Avalon, it was my step-mom's & thanks to her generous offer & Jeff's parents for help with the financing. We love it! It's such an upgrade for us! It worked out as we were already planning on going to Salt Lake for a visit. We just had to rent a car a little longer here,
& Jeff drove the new one back.
Here are a few pictures
of the interior.
Before my arrival in Salt Lake my sister-in-law told me about these great books she was reading. So I read the first 2 of the series while in there & pre-ordered Eclipse. I got it a few days after I got home & spent a nice day & a half reading it.
Some of my projects from the summer....
I made new matching bed skirts for the crib & Hannah's bed.
There is a shelf in the kids room that is flush with the ceiling & spans one entire wall. I love the shelf, but have struggled to find something to put up there. I have rotated different things, but everything looks so small once up that high. Thanks to my sister-in-law we came up with the idea of these blocks. We went to The Wood Connection in Salt Lake & picked them up & then to get some scrapbooking paper, paint & Mod Podge to complete the project. I do like them, but we had a hard time finding the "Right" colors of paper... & they too are light enough in color that they too lose themselves a little up on the shelf.
There is a shelf in the kids room that is flush with the ceiling & spans one entire wall. I love the shelf, but have struggled to find something to put up there. I have rotated different things, but everything looks so small once up that high. Thanks to my sister-in-law we came up with the idea of these blocks. We went to The Wood Connection in Salt Lake & picked them up & then to get some scrapbooking paper, paint & Mod Podge to complete the project. I do like them, but we had a hard time finding the "Right" colors of paper... & they too are light enough in color that they too lose themselves a little up on the shelf.
These are the quilt tops I made for Hannah & the baby. I wanted them to be similar & match, but for one to be for a girl & one for a boy. They are just vertical stripes running the length of the quilts. I am VERY happy with how these turned out. Now I just need to get with a friend who has more quilting experience than I do to finish them up!
**I think Jeff is even shocked to see how many of these projects have been completed.**