A simple attempt at creating a [stylised] 'CRT screen' effect with FFmpeg. Loaded with the common CRT effect tropes and clichés; interlaced lines, noise, chromatic aberration, bloom etc.
The filterchains were constructed to be modular; allowing them to be included or removed, as desired. The ideas included in these filterchains might be of more use in general, than the whole effect itself.
#!/bin/bash # A collection of FFmpeg filterchains which can be used to create a stylised # 'CRT screen' effect on given input. # # The filter-chains have been split apart to increase modularity at the cost of # sacrificing simplicity and increasing redundant code. Filter-chains can be # added or removed in various orders, but special attention must be paid to # selecting the correct termination syntax for each stage. # # Includes basic demonstration FFmpeg command which takes "$1" input file. # # Version: 2019.04.06_02.49.13 # Source https://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com ### FILTERCHAINS ############################################################# # Reduce input to 25% PAL resolution shrink144="scale=-2:144" # Crop to 4:3 aspect ratio at 25% PAL resolution crop43="crop=180:144" # Create RGB chromatic aberration rgbFX="split=3[red][green][blue]; [red] lutrgb=g=0:b=0, scale=188x144, crop=180:144 [red]; [green] lutrgb=r=0:b=0, scale=184x144, crop=180:144 [green]; [blue] lutrgb=r=0:g=0, scale=180x144, crop=180:144 [blue]; [red][blue] blend=all_mode='addition' [rb]; [rb][green] blend=all_mode='addition', format=gbrp" # Create YUV chromatic aberration yuvFX="split=3[y][u][v]; [y] lutyuv=u=0:v=0, scale=192x144, crop=180:144 [y]; [u] lutyuv=v=0:y=0, scale=188x144, crop=180:144 [u]; [v] lutyuv=u=0:y=0, scale=180x144, crop=180:144 [v]; [y][v] blend=all_mode='lighten' [yv]; [yv][u] blend=all_mode='lighten'" # Create edge contour effect edgeFX="edgedetect=mode=colormix:high=0" # Add noise to each frame of input noiseFX="noise=c0s=7:allf=t" # Add interlaced fields effect to input interlaceFX="split[a][b]; [a] curves=darker [a]; [a][b] blend=all_expr='if(eq(0,mod(Y,2)),A,B)':shortest=1" # Re-scale input to full PAL resolution scale2PAL="scale=720:576" # Re-scale input to full PAL resolution with linear pixel scale2PALpix="scale=720:576:flags=neighbor" # Add magnetic damage effect to input [crt screen] screenGauss="[base]; nullsrc=size=720x576, drawtext= fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='@': x=600: y=30: fontsize=170: fontcolor=red@1.0, boxblur=80 [gauss]; [gauss][base] blend=all_mode=screen:shortest=1" # Add reflections to input [crt screen] reflections="[base]; nullsrc=size=720x576, format=gbrp, drawtext= fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='€': x=50: y=50: fontsize=150: fontcolor=white, drawtext= fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='J': x=600: y=460: fontsize=120: fontcolor=white, boxblur=25 [lights]; [lights][base] blend=all_mode=screen:shortest=1" # Add more detailed highlight to input [crt screen] highlight="[base]; nullsrc=size=720x576, format=gbrp, drawtext= fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf: text='¡': x=80: y=60: fontsize=90: fontcolor=white, boxblur=7 [lights]; [lights][base] blend=all_mode=screen:shortest=1" # Curve input to mimic curve of crt screen curveImage="vignette, format=gbrp, lenscorrection=k1=0.2:k2=0.2" # Add bloom effect to input [crt screen] bloomEffect="split [a][b]; [b] boxblur=26, format=gbrp [b]; [b][a] blend=all_mode=screen:shortest=1" ### FFMPEG COMMAND ########################################################### ffmpeg \ -i "$1" \ -vf " ${shrink144}, ${crop43}, ${rgbFX}, ${yuvFX}, ${noiseFX}, ${interlaceFX}, ${scale2PAL} ${screenGauss} ${reflections} ${highlight}, ${curveImage}, ${bloomEffect} " \ "${1}__crtTV.mkv" exit 0download script: ffmpeg_CRT-effect.sh
A bank of 'screens' displaying different inputs.

Some alternate choices of filterchains.

source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SPUHGRXQUY