As a follow-up to an experiment involving the degradation of images, seen when rotated in Microsoft's "Image and Fax Viewer", a program was devised to investigate how much of the degradation was caused by the rotation. The image above illustrates that merely saving the image repeatedly, is not conducive to the deterioration. Also interesting is the slight, but discernible, effect 180° rotations have in the process.
context: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-effects-of-rotating-images-in.html
The program was originally completed using Processing, but this proved cumbersome as it was unable to handle so many I/O file operations. A program to rotate and save images was later rewritten in Python, which was not hampered by any such issues.
context: http://oioiiooixiii.blogspot.com/2014/08/jpeg-destruction-via-repeated-rotate.html
Content from this blog post was originally published in February 2013