When I started this little blog I named it Oh Laura Darling because I had the dream of one day marrying a man with the last name Darling. I have a different last name now, but it's not Darling. And I couldn't be happier about that.
My mom told me I need to write a post about the wedding but I struggle with writing about The Big Things. My wheelhouse is more stories about something crazy that happened while I was grocery shopping or how I spilled coffee with a significant amount of peppermint mocha creamer all over my desk at work (true story coming soon to a blog near you).
March 8th was the best and most perfect day I could have imagined. When it was all over that night I was standing in front of the mirror taking off my veil (and removing the fake hair that made my fancy low bun so voluminous) and I started to cry. I am not typically a crier, so Matt came right in and asked, "Are you okay?" and I sobbed, "YES, I'M FINE. I'M JUST SO HAPPY."
Luckily for Matt I've managed to keep my tears and my fake hair in check since March 8th. But I am still just so happy.
And just in case anyone was wondering what it looks like when the bride's wedding ring is dropped during the ceremony, allow me to show you...
Luckily the ring was located so we were able to get to the important part...