Well, do I have an update for you. It's as if the universe knew I needed some blog material.
JUST LAST POST I shared about Matt's childhood corn snake and wrote that "He "escaped his enclosure" and was never seen again. I think about that missing snake every time we go to his mom's house, half-expecting it to sense a reunion and slither out of a vent or something."
Well, a few months ago, my mother-in-law's longtime next door neighbors moved, and her boyfriend bought the house. He's been fixing it up to turn it into a rental property, and would you look at what he found while he was working there this weekend.
Or should I say, WHO he found.
Matt's (dead) corn snake. Missing since the summer of 2000. Steve tore down some drywall in the kitchen and there he was. We laughed about it all weekend.
I asked Matt if he thinks the snake just slithered down the steps and out the front door on this way to the neighbors, and Matt said very matter of factly, "Probably. He had to get out somehow."
Steve also found a snakeskin in the basement, so the snake was alive in the neighbors' house long enough to shed his skin at least once, and make it from the basement to the kitchen. The whole situation is equally as hilarious as it is gross. What are the chances that Matt would lose his pet snake, assume it never to be seen again, but lo and behold it had slithered to the neighbor's house and made a new life for himself, only to be found TWENTY FOUR YEARS LATER when Matt's mom's boyfriend buys the house.
The blog basically writes itself.
After we got this hilarious news, we kept on with our typical Saturday routine of stopping at the club for happy hour.
By the club I mean Sam's Club.
And by happy hour I mean the 4:00 samples.
We hit the jackpot with samples this week. It's not every Saturday they have sugar cookies, popcorn, AND tiny cups of lukewarm vegetable lo mein. And I would know, because we go every Saturday.
After we got our fill of samples, we headed over to get a rotisserie chicken, and all I have to say about that is that anyone who thinks the Taylor Swift tickets were a hot item has clearly never tried to get a rotisserie chicken at Sam's Club on a Saturday afternoon. It's like lions stalking their prey.
We saw the growing crowd of customers as we approached the chicken counter, and Matt and Christopher joined them to wait for a fresh batch. Joey and I decided to make another lap for samples, and when we got back the woman who was standing next to Matt burst out laughing because Joey yelled "DADDY! CHRISTOPHER! We found the best samples! Smoothies and REAL LIVE ORANGES!"
It's not every day you get to see a REAL LIVE ORANGE.
Anyway, we got our chicken and on our way out, we passed an endcap with majorly discounted toys. There was an army set with a jeep, a tank, and an airplane that shoots missiles. It was marked down to the low, low price of $13 and because Matt is a sucker and our children are spoiled, he put it in the cart.
They got it all set up when we got home and the boys spent the evening shooting missiles, or as Joey called them, drill bits. They have less than stellar aim and by dinnertime three drill bits were lost and the fourth was stuck under the oven. After dinner I straightened out a wire clothes hanger and lowered myself to the floor to fish out the missing drill bit aka missile.
As I laid down and shoved the clothes hanger under the oven, I thought, Dear God please don't let there be a snake under here.
I didn't see a snake, but what I did see was almost as frightening. It looked like no one had cleaned under the oven for about three years. Which makes sense because no one has cleaned under the oven for about three years.
I retrieved the missile, as well as a marker, a baby spoon, a few toy dishes from the kitchen set, and about 4168 cheerios. Just as I was about to sit up, I heard Christopher behind me gleefully say "TA-DA!!!" and then I heard crunching.
I told him to open his mouth where I saw he'd found the prize of a piece of dust covered Cap'n Crunch that was quite possibly as old as he is.
Which is gross.
But at least it wasn't a snake.