Showing posts with label Blog Stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Stuff. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's time to take some time off!

Yes, it's time for me to definitely take some time off the ol' blog here!
For the last 2 weeks, I have had blogger issues, internet issues, camera issues and now the ol' laptop has decided to be difficult and I cannot get it to turn on properly, it seems like it's wiped itself clean of all programs, who knows what is going on in there... sigh...
It's been very stressful; and I have had to sit back and remind myself this morning that my blog is not a job to stress about. It is my hobby! My cardmaking helps me relax! My DT work is for inspiration and fun! and because of these tech issues, it has not been that way.
I will be taking the next week, or two, off from blogging, commenting and my DTs. I hope everyone can understand and be patient with me! I'm so sad, since I will also be missing out on some wonderful opportinities too... an e-magazine article and a Featured Artisit spot... snifff... 
In the meantime, I will definitely be getting my creative groove on! and I hope that all of these 'issues' will be fixed asap so I can share with you again! In a non-stress way! and on a regular basis again ;)
Thanks for all of your support!
Much love!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I eHat Blogger :p

I am having a blogger moment!!!
Actually, I've been having this moment on and off for over 3 weeks now, grrrr!
The most problematic issue right now is commmenting!
When I try to leave a comment, it says I have to log into Google...
I log in... it says "Anonymous" and kicks me back out again to redo my login, ugh!!!
and not everyone has the option to let you leave a 'url' instead... oh well...
I haven't been able to post since my last post either... so frustrating!
and to top it off, my fave camera ever has decided to take its last pic earlier this week :(

... {insert HUGE sigh here}...

So I've decided to take the rest of the week and weekend to relax and figure out what is up with Blogger, geesh!

Hope you all enjoy your TGIFs/weekend
and have a wonderful Father's Day with all the loves in your life :)
See you (hopefully) on Monday ;)

Monday, May 23, 2011

are you a NO-REPLY blogger??? 
I usually don't have much to say ;)
but in the last week or so, this has become a bit of a pet peeve of mine... 
you may want to reconsider, some people don't even know about this option... it has many benefits...
did I mention that it's a pet-peeve of mine ;)
especially when I, ME!, gets yelled at for not being able to contact people and/or answer questions, share things, etc... sigh...
I just found this button on THIS marvelous blog! She explains EVERYTHING, and I agree!
It's really not a big deal to put an email out there for other bloggers to reply to your comments, etc...

"... the majority of "seasoned" bloggers will agree; It's good blogging etiquette to have an email associated with your blog. Especially if you're going to be blogging, commenting, asking questions, participating in Give Aways, etc..." ~ Jodi of Pleasant Home

just sayin'!  
Thanks for letting me share :)

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Under Construction!

ETA - ALL done!  What do you think of my new look?! :)

Sorry! I don't know what happened, but something happened to my template and now I am under blog-construction!
My blog looks like it fell over and everything got all scrambled like an etch-a-sketch! LOL!
Working on it now ;)

Thanks much! I hope everyone is having a fab Wednesday!

Design by Imagination Designs
Graphics by PSW Shop