Two months, friends! It has been way too long since I've given a thought to my little blog...are you still there? Since I last posted, I think it's safe to say we've emerged from the doldrums of winter. Although, we're actually having a snow day today. In April. God bless the Rocky Mountains and their fickle spring weather. Yesterday we were playing in the backyard in t-shirts. And we'll probably be back out there by the end of the week. But, today it's all pajamas, forts and Easter candy while the wind and snow rage outside. I quickly pulled out a few favorite pictures from the past couple of months to share with you...I know I'll never go back and actually post about each individual happening, so this is it....our February and March in a few favorite shots!
Ah, this little Truett. He is growing up so much. He makes me laugh, he keeps me on my toes, and he provides great entertainment for our small family. He's my snuggle buddy, he loves to color (endearingly, he calls it 'yellowing'), he's recently discovered the wonder of bugs in the backyard, and he plays basketball almost all day. Really, the kid is obsessed with sports, and is surprisingly singularly interested in balls. He knows the difference between a basketball, soccer ball, golf ball, football, baseball...he takes a ball to bed with him, wakes up asking to 'shoot it', is quick to point out any object resembling a ball while we're out and about. I'm not sure if this obsession will stick, but for now we're enjoying his exuberance over all things sports.

Maren continues to live in her little pretend world where she takes the best care of her babies. I'm sad to say her imaginary friends (Sokie, Beboke, Hoha, and Deets) are making fewer appearances these days. August continues to be Maren's favorite doll, followed closely by the twins, Rainbow and Brett. Yup...she's got a doll named Brett. I think it's hilarious. We spend lots of time doing crafts together, and my sweet girl has recently discovered how fun girls nights can be...we enjoyed a night out, just the two of us, and had Chinese food (per Maren's request...she wanted egg drop soup!) followed by Easter shoe shopping. Maren has a creative way of thinking about things and of talking about the world around her. She asks thoughtful, interesting questions. I love the little glimpses I'm catching of a more grown-up girl. She is a treasure.
I love this picture so much...not sure what they were looking at, but Truett's morning hair and our family pal, Bo make quite the pair.
We had a fun little visit back in February with my brother's family. We didn't see much of the kids, since they were up to their own antics somewhere in the basement most of the time. See that little bundle in the middle? That's Isaac and I was sure to get some good baby snuggles in while they were here. Cousin visits are the best!
Hey, there's my best friend, Jaime! We spent a few afternoons making a quilt for her baby girl...who will arrive any day now!
And, Easter! What a gift to have a sunny, warm day on which to celebrate the Resurrection!
An Easter picture with 2 smiling kids! These two make life so full...I realize I say this often, but it is a gift to be their mom. They've each taught me so much, even in their few short years.
It was a special treat to have my parents here for Easter this year. They drove in from Michigan on Saturday afternoon, and spent a week with us in Colorado.
After my friend, Naomi, shared about visiting the baby chicks at the local farm store, I knew we had to go. Maren and Truett both LOVED the baby ducks, geese, and chicks.
Please note: Maren dresses herself most days. She was also wearing pink cowboy boots. I think she wanted to fit in at the farm store.
Brett took a couple of days off while my parents were visiting, and we spent a day in Woodland Park. We started at the Dinosaur Museum, had a delicious lunch at our favorite greasy spoon, and took a drive through the mountains.
And, this is my view almost all day. Truett, of course, got a basketball hoop for Easter, and it somehow ended up in the kitchen. As it turns out, the pantry door is the perfect place for a hoop!
I imagine you all are enjoying the early signs of spring wherever you may be. I'll do my best to write again before June...until then, happy Tuesday!