
No internet at home + lots of craziness = no real posts... eesh, sorry!

So, I went to Puerto Rico! To visit my friend, Alexis, and her family. And it was really fun! So, I'll include pictures. :) I also have a bunch of pictures from Boston and the recent happenings, but figure I should at least post this HERE, since I haven't really told anyone: Ian and I broke up. Yes, I'm fine... for the most part. I think after having my stuff stolen (which has STILL not been settled properly) and moving out here to a place where I don't have my network of buddies, it's just been difficult. However, I know things work out and I know I'm learning a TON. So. For that, I'm grateful. It was a mutual decision based on core incompatibilities, which doesn't make it easier to deal with, but at least helps both of us realize that it is for the best. Anyhow. That is the update on THAT front, at least. Everything else is pretty much the same! EXCEPT, I got a new nephew. My sis and her family and a little foster boy (DARLING) for the past year or so, and he was just recently able to be adopted by them and sealed to them and my heart melted just a little bit. Someday I may even get online somewhere with my own laptop and shove some pictures up on this blog o' mine. Sorry I'm not so great at updating this. :) Love to you guys!


Better late than never, right?


Sorry I haven't been on here at all. At my new job I'm settling in still and I've just finished organizing my apartment (finally--there are altogether too many pictures in this album of my place). Life is going on and it is good. I've been going through a period like the one described by C.S. Lewis (one of my heros) wrote this in Screwtape Letters:

Imagine yourself a a living house.
God comes in to remodel that house.
At first, you can understand what he is doing;
he's fixing drains and making minor repairs,
but presently he starts knocking you about
in a manner that hurts abominably...
He's knocking out walls there and adding on rooms here.
It hurts awful...what on earth could he be up to?
Adding on extra wings here, putting up towers there...
The answer is quite simple.
you thought you were going to be a quaint little house,
But God has another purpose in mind.
He's building a palace.

Learning faith. Trust. Just pretty grateful (even when I've felt so overwhelmed lately).

Here are some pictures for you (because I know you've been waiting in high anticipation).

November--I can't believe I just moved a few months ago, it's been crazy.

December--I got to go home for Christmas, though not for NEARLY long enough.