6 years have come and gone sine we said hello and good-by to our son Larson. This past weekend we CHOSE to go away to celebrate his life. We have done this now for 6 years. Each year we have somewhat agonized over what we should do to celebrate Larson's life. It's somewhat of an awkward time. With his siblings we have the privilege to ask for their suggestions and to be a part of their day. This past week was the first time that I questioned whether or not we need to celebrate by going away for a family vacation over his birthday. I'm not really sure why this has come about. I think I've wondered how long we will do this. But then I think of his siblings...we celebrate them every year. I know many will say...duh, they are alive! I am always grateful to celebrate another year with my children as I know we are not promised even 1 more! While I have 4 children still walking on this earth, I am confident that Larson is very much alive also, but in the most glorious place you can be...HEAVEN! So, do we celebrate him. Well here is what I thought about..
On October 2, 2007 we were told that we had 24 hours to decide if we wanted to "terminate" our pregnancy....WE CHOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE!!
We were told that our son was "incompatible with life"....WE CHOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE
We were told that my pregnancy was high-risk and as a result we could both die....WE CHOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE
We were told he may die in-utero....WE CHOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE
We were told he may not take a breath....WE CHOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE
We were told that 75% of marriages fall apart after the loss of a child....WE CHOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE
So after some thought I have realized....we will still continue to CHOOSE TO CELEBRATE HIS LIFE
It may not be with trips or balloon; cakes and themes; birthday cards and gifts. Larson's celebrations are much more authentic because we choose at that time in our life to pause and celebrate what Larson did for our family and those around us. While 23 hours was not enough, he did PLENTY during that time! He for sure taught me more than I would have ever been able to teach him.
As a mother, we celebrate our kids and the gifts they are to us. While I have buried one of mine and gave him back to the Lord, we CHOOSE to celebrate the gift he still gives.
The life of our son continues to remind us of the faithful Father in Heaven who allowed us to be parents to an amazing 5th child. We will CHOOSE TO CELEBRATE HIM!