That pain!

Mi new friend iz a pain in mi tail! N i iz takin it out on mum, i no's i shouldnt but i dids not gives her a cuggles for nearli a week! she did cries late the other night cos she misses mi cuddles lots, so i jumped on her tha next mornin, wen she wokes up, and did not expect it! that made her lots happier! She no's i loves her realli, that little Binks follows her around alls tha time now so I stays away from them, she calls me lots but i stays in mi hidey place. still loves her tho! Tonite, wen Binks was out of tha way i jumped on her lap and got lots of cuddles and fusses, gonna just push ratbags outa tha way next time cos i wants  mi cuddles too!
Mum still gives me more treats than him, haha Bink!! She has bean tryin to put him in his place as wel, silly little nipper! I iz too old and wise for his silly kitten games! I iz a big man next to him!
I dont like sharing Mi litter tray with his smelly bum! Binks Stinks!

My new friend!

Heyo ppl. Me gotsa new friend! Mum wanted him a few weeks ago but dad thouhgt she'd be catnapping him from someone else and she wasn't allowed him!
 Mum thought he was a girl! But he's a lickle boy like me!
He tells me he was left on his own by his old ppl and has been a tramp for weeks, the otha ppl has been feeding him scraps and rubbish foods not good for him! He very nearly got put in a cats kennels! But mi mums saved him! I know she still loves me bestest! Still sulkin tho! Shes miii mum!
Sure we'll get along fine soon as he realises I'm the boss!!

herro preeeaze

I iz stil ere ya no. iz a hard life bein me! Mums been lookin after me so much she hasn givens me times t get mi bloggies dunn! She hasn dunn hers for long too so iz all gravy baby, mmmm gravy. I licked gravy off mi mums plate it was lovely.. Me hopes all mi bloggy frends has had lots of nomms lately too, do tells me anything really yum I can try!!
I iz been sleepin lots, I got mi new spot on the telly box, n I knockd some things called dvds into my brothers' den when i was stretchin up there, Mum was not impressed! I thinks I might of been in trub but she ddn tel me off cos she luuuvs me!! Mi paws hurty now, neeed t get used t this typy thingy again. Missed mi bloggy ppl, pups and pusscats! Catchya soonies bloggy doodies!

Helpful lickle Me

I iz in mumz good books agen now! I haz been a most helpful puss! I is been helpin mum wit tha shoppin! Her and daddys got me lots of new food, n i was checkin she didn leave nemore in tha bag! I'm a good pup really. I liked it in the bag, dad thought it was most funny too so thats good! Me likes it wen he is smiley!!
I was a bit naughty runnin away earlier but mum got me back, she tempted me with a new box of treats. The minx! I is gonna be good wen there's treats around! My brothers always get the icky green stuffs so I should gets lots of nice yummys!!
Me has to run soon cos mummy will be outa the bath soon and she can't catch me bloggin! Been too long n she hasn't caught me yet!
 I will find tha picture of me learnin to do this typy thingy soon, I thinks I is a fast learner! Lovess ya bloggy peeps and pups, and uber cool bloggy pusses lyke me!!

I iz Cool

I has been a naughty puss! Do I look like a naughty puss? I don't think I do! Well Mum says I am so it must be true. She got up earlyier and caught me drinking out of the sink! She changed my water in my bowl, and I still wanted the sink. So mum told me off again!

Her and auntie Fia have been noisy again today, I think they broke somethin coz mummy was using some very naughty words earlyier! I know they naughty coz mummy usually tels daddy off for sayin them! They had some smelly stuff in the food room as they were washing things and they opened the window, I wanted to go out but it was soggy out there, didn't feel like getting wet paws this time! I just stayed on mi new bed and acted like I was sleepin!

Shes still tryin it wit that silly light thingy! Not buyin it mum!

I did get in a bit of trub when they was sleepy too, coz daddy won't let me sleep on mi new spot on the tellybox mummy won't now either! She got out of bed to get me off of there more times than I've got claws to count! No wonder she did stay asleeps for longer when daddy had gone out! I has got thru nearly a whole box of treats now, think mummy needs to get me some jelly food soon coz I'm sick of biscuits now!
 I had to give mum some cuggles to say sowwy for bein bad! I loves them muchly, auntie Fia is cool too!

Heyo Bloggy frends!!!

I iz back in tha game, mi mumz iz out an I haz found out how to put the interbox on. Me hopes I remembers to turn it off coz mi daddy never does!
I left mi brothers in their den coz mi biggest little brother was a sleepy pig!! They will come out to play laterz tho!
I wonders if my bloggy frends has forgotten me as I has not been on the interbox for so long! Stil don't think mumz on to me yet! I iz too clever! The otha day she had a silly light thingy and she wanted me to chase it, but I did not think I iz that stupid! I's too smart for them games! My doggy instincts told me to leave it!
When mum and daddy went to sleeps I cuddled up under the cover with my mum and layed on my back, paws up and purring! I was so comfyble!
Ohh I found a new nyce warm place on top of the picture box, I still think its calld a telly. My daddy took me down from there when he woked up bcoz he thinks I will get fluff in tha box, don't think mum minds tho, she combs my fluff off most days aneway! I likes combs!
My auntie Fia has been round an mum an her r very loud together! They has fun tho so I let them get on with it an spend time with my brothers! Mum tells me off sometimes but I like sleepin on top of their den!
Mum has given me soo may treats lately I think I mite go pop! I loves whiskers treats, an I knows if they not whiskers ones too coz they the bestest! Wonder where shes gone!

Helloo Agen!!

I iz stil here ya no! I has just been sneaky so mi mum has had her eye on me lotz. Makes it hard to do mi blogin widout her seein me!!She won't catch me now tho! I iz hidin wit her little interbox in tha bit under tha stairs! I has found mi new favourit hidey place!! N besides that, they took away mi last best place and folded it beside the cold box! I like sittin up there!I heard mum says itz called an ironi bord, or somethin lyke dat!

Did yu no I used to live wit pups? I am half pup miself! I always try to drink out of tha toilet and like to follow mum around the house! Mum says its lucky shes never too far away when they home in case I fall in, agen! I did that at mi old house! I was little then and cudn't get out til mi old mum found me! Wasent long but it was stil very not nyce down there!
Mum told me mi brothers tried to do this typy thing once and they were rubbish at it! Hahaa I'l has to do it for them!!
 I hope everyone of mi pup and peepl friends has been smiley even tho I iz not been around! I will b in touch wit ya all very soon. Purrrrfect timin! mums lookin for me,