Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Random Pics from February

This is becoming an all too familiar sight...  ;(  It broke down in the cul-de-sac as I was doing carpool one morning.  Luckily one of the other moms was able to take the kids to school! 

Tarantula~ YIKES!!

Kaedan getting excited for a run with his new shoes for track.

I love running on the new trail by our house while Tre rides his bike on beautiful days like this!

The rough life of a 6 year old!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Carter Comp Basketball

Carter played on the 'Warriors' comp basketball team with the boys that made the school team in 7th grade plus Carter.  A couple of the dads coached them.  The head coach for the Jr. High asked for them to invite Carter to play since the reason he didn't make it was because he had a broken arm.  Sadly, Carter missed a lot due to his broken wrists again from snowboarding and I don't have a lot of pics.  He made every league game and tournament he was able to though.  Can't wait for his confidence and skills to get back where they used to be.  He's been through such a rough patch!  I gotta give it to him!  He keeps on going!  Great job Bud!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tre Indoor Soccer

Tre had a lot of fun playing in an Ultimate Indoor soccer league with Jason Sederholm as his coach, one of Troy's co-workers.  Tre had a great time!  Our family's more into football and basketball now so that's what Tre's grown up seeing more, but he liked it while it lasted and he wasn't too shabby!  ;)

He did a pretty good job playing keeper!

The whole team.  Fun memories!

Tre was SO excited to get a trophy!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


We always love Superbowl time!

The huge sub at Winegars is so cool!

We watched the game @ Papa's this year and had a great time!

Casts don't get Carter down!

Thanks for the great time guys!