After this long time didn't touch & bother about my little pity blog, finally I decide to come back here again to blah blah this and blah blah that~~XD
The very very 1st thing to blah about after this epic revive is my brand new University (Uni) life in !!!
Alright, at the beginning what I was thinking is that the program that arranged buy the Uni for us is kinda huge disaster + tragedy...
Yeap, most of the new student here think the exactly same way like me......... HORRIBLE.....
but I'd change my mine soon after 2~3 days of my 1st week. The 1st & 2nd day I was like OMFG, I HATE THIS Uni's 1st week & I'm gonna QUIT!
Luckily, I didn't. Wanna know why? because I suddenly found that these programs that I felt stupid and meaningless actually helped me a lot... and after that I was like start to enjoying every part it already... well, except the stinky part......(P.S. all of us are wearing 3 same clothes for the whole week. YRRkkk~~!)
2nd thing I would like to share about on this epic reviving is I had met a bunch of over-kind seniors!!!
SO damn F*cking Happy (P.S. please allow me to use some censored word to express my feelings XD)
3rd thing I wanna share is my about that is my course actually is not that bad as I imagine, it actually is kinda fun.. Learning something that is outstanding & my lecturers are all Mat Salleh XDDD GOSH...
Ok, this Epic revive have to pause here 1st before I lost control XDDD
A Presto~! XDD