- 1. Peanut butter
- 2. Crusty bread.
- 3. Roast chicken
- 4. Mangoes
- And what would you choose?
Friday, April 19, 2013
Desert, not DESSERT....
Monday, February 18, 2013
you tell me...
I liked this idea from Jenny. So...here's 4 things about me, now PLEASE tell me 4 things about you!!
1. I once began to write a Romance, I wrote about 5 chapters, and got stuck during the make out scene!
2. I taught 8th grade History, and 7th grade science many moons ago.
3. I can make dogs bark and children cry when I laugh.
4. My hubs can make dogs bark and children cry when he sneezes.
(that just cracks me up)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Turning an old book into a Nook holder
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Spring has sprung...

Though the weather has been totally schizoid, it is now officially Spring. I personally LOVE the rain and cloudy days with it's coolness, but my hubs whines about it often. What I love most about this season is the longer hours of sunlight. By the time I get home from work each day, I still get a few hours of light, yay! (and ummm....no, this is not a view from my kitchen window, just a view I'd love to have from my kitchen window)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Eight Months In...

For fun, I've started riding my new bike

Well I guess that's about it for now. I'm sorry for not being on more, though I'm sure no one has reeeeally missed me. Have a great week, y'all!
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Love, LOve, LOVE...

It seems only right...you know, being the love month and all, to speak of love. I absolutely love my job. It seems everyday I am working, I am just in awe, that I love just about everything about it. Since I've started having all my own pt's, I've had approximately 6 of my pt's pass. It has been such a privilege to walk with families through this hard time of their lives. One of the pt's died as the wife and myself were taking care of him. That was quite strange, and yet somehow also amazing. God is so good. The families that know Him, have His hope and His comfort, and even a small taste of His joy to come. I am still trying to figure out how to share Him and His hope while being respectful of those with other beliefs. Sometimes it's tricky.
The kids are doing pretty good. The daughter is still really liking Jr college, and at least this semester got some general ed classes. She continues to help with Jr high ministries, and homeless people in long beach. She is still really trying to find out what to major in, what to do as a job. She loves the idea of working with non-profit organizations that help third world countries, but she also loves art...so, yeah, she's confused and searching.
The boy passed his classes this last semester, yay! He is plugging in to the high school ministries. He has some great guy friends that get together to watch movies, play X-box, dance somethin, and hang out.

The hubby has been cycling as usual, and doing great at it. He's had some changes at work that have been EXTREMELY challenging. He's literally counting down to each weekend, summer, and retirement. Ummm, yeah, retirement is YEeeeears away, but he knows the count, believe me.
We took a long wknd up in Mammoth. The kids and dad went skiing, while I relaxed at the cabin. And of course, we all frolicked in the snow.
Saturday, January 01, 2011
January 1st, 2011, Welcome!

I haven't been on for so long, mostly because I am trying to get the hang of my new job as a hospice nurse. I am still absolutely LOVING my job. There is not a day that goes by, that I can believe how happy I am. It just seems to be such a perfect fit for me. I was thinking last night, that one of my prayer requests concerning a nursing job was answered. Before my hospital job, I prayed that #1 that God would use me for His glory, and #2, that I would have joy in my job, and lastly #3, that my coworkers would be my friends, and an extension of my family. I am happy to say, all 3 are true in this new nursing job. On Thursday, while visiting a patient, the wife and myself were cleaning him up...and he passed away. We were both VERY surprised. After the shock wore off, all went very well. The family was amazing and so thankful for me being there for the process of getting him ready to leave with mortuary assts. I sometimes feel guilty for all the appreciation I get from families.
The daughter is doing well in Jr. College and finished her first semester. The son is doing pretty well in high school, but still struggles in his English class. He is working hard now attempting to fix his bad grade. The hubby is still plugging along at the Jr hi, trying to teach even though there's a whole lot of pressure from the "clipboards" to teach to the tests. It's different, and he definitely is not feeling the joy that he's had for all these years. I'm sad for him.
Well a big Happy New Year, folks! I hope you are knowing God's closeness in your life. If not, I hope you are knowing your faith is not dependent on what you are feeling, but who God is. Have a great 2011.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Freedom don't come free...
It is the soldier, not the reporter,
Who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier,
Who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.- Father D. E. O'Brian, USMC
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Hospice Nursing...
I have gotten a new job, finally, and I have to say that it is not just a job, but a very definite love. I have planned on going into hospice nursing in the future, but after loosing my last job at large hospital, I had one darned of a time getting a new job. I was practically offered a RN job giving testosterone to all male clients 5 days a wk, 8 hrs a day, with an hour or more commute each way. Even though the wknds and holidays off thing was tempting, along with the pay, I just had to say no. It just didn't feeling my "caring" quota that I needed. So, after months of no hospital offers, I figured I would start looking into hospice jobs. When I called 8 hospices, all but 2 said they were hiring. I did not hear from any of them, but one that was not hiring. Within a day I had an interview, and the following day I had a "ride-along", and within 3 days of that, an interview with the CEO! I absolutely LOVED this godly woman, and we both had hearts of mercy for the dieing. This company was just so amazing. During the interview, she hired me on the spot! Wow....that has never happened in all my life! When she asked when I could start, I told her yesterday. Since it was Friday, she told me to come in on Monday to begin. And wham-bam, I started my training! It is strange compared to hospital nursing bc you work M-F, wknds and holidays off, and it pays the same as a hospital, with only 1/5 the stress!! I will work one big, and one little holiday each year, but I can live with that!! I have been going on four weeks, and I am loving it. I still have sooo much to learn, but I just feel like I have found my niche. I feel like this is where I want to be for the next 20 yrs.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
cool and crispy fall leaves..
Nothing too new with me. I've been on the hunt of course, the wonderful world of the job hunt. Tomorrow I have an interview for a hospice nurse position. I am so darned excited, I could spit. It's for a full time position, and I'd have my own territory and 'team'. It sounds perfect. I've worked with hospice in the hospital and with my sister of course. It is an amazing honor and privilege to be there and help families and patients at the end. Please pray for me. I am also applying for some ICU positions as well, and will probably have a few interviews coming up for those.
Aaaaand along with that I've put on some pounds that I need to lose, which have been piling up as I try to comfort myself bc of the unemployment issue. I know a big sin for me weight-wise is the eating at night time. I have been over doing the carbs at night. So, I came up with a little plan for myself. If I am going to eat, I have to weigh myself first. It will keep me honest. So last night, I didn't do it. I need to keep doing this.... probably forever. ;0
I've also changed up my workouts at the gym. I am now doing interval training on the treadmill which is really helping me to keeping my heart rate up, and I'm adding the elliptical machine. Although....just between you and me, I suck at that thing, and I can only last about 5 min.! My friends tell me to keep with it, and I will be able to stay on it longer and longer if I just keep it up.