
Sunday, March 27, 2011


When the visions around you bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you are secrets and lies
I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
Till the day my life is through

I've loved you forever in lifetimes before
And I promise you never will you hurt anymore
I give you my word, I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow, forever has now begun

Just close your eyes each loving day
I know this feeling won't go away
Over and over I fall when I hear you call
Without you in my life baby, I just wouldn't be living at all

Every word I say is true
This I promise you


Saturday, March 26, 2011

saya rindu mereka :(

sy x pernah rase rindu y sgt2 dalam smpai cmni, nape sy kene berjauhan ngan family :(:(
lagi 68 hari utk menahan rindu ni, x sabar nak balik malaysia, rindu kasih sayang family, rindu mak, bapak, abg long, kak uda, una, ngan dekwa.. nnti kite g jalan2 same2 eh, makan same2, tgk tv same2, lepak same2..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

thumbs up guys!

yup, aku suke giler ngan lagu n MV nih, sorg2 mantap giler vocal. setinggi2 tahniah utk producer n artis2 y buat lagu ni. tabik ah korg, keep up the good work. majulah industry muzik tanah air! cewahhh~

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

somebody - lemonademouth, bridgitmendler

Can you see me?
Cause I'm right here
Can you listen?
Cause I've been trying to make you notice
What it would mean to me
To feel like somebody
We've been on our way to nowhere
Tryin so hard to get there

And I say
We're gonna let it show!
We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams
And try
To make it come alive
C'mon let it shine so they can see
We were meant to be

I'm so tired of being invisible
But I feel it like a fire below the surface
Trying to set me free
Burnin inside of me
Cause were standing on the edge now
It's a long way down

We will walk out of this darkness
Feel the spotlight glowing like a yellow sun
And the we fought we fought together
Till we get back up and we will rise as one

no way

i choose to plea not guilty. and i demand for another court session to speak out my appeal to this case. thank you :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

spring break, tjm and her :)

lame jugak tak update. spring break berlalu camtu je kan. sedar tak sedar, dah abes spring break n esok kelas da start semula. kene kembalikan semangat balik sebab ade banyak mende kene setelkan.

skang ni tgh buat surat nk mintak extend dr jpa. susah jugak rupenye nak buat surat dlm bahasa melayu..haha ade lagi 41 credit yang perlu dirembeskan. harap jpa dpt timbang2 mende ni eh. aminnn

spring break start ngan practice utk tjm. ak sempat maen volleyball ngan soccer je. volleyball x lepas grouping pun. socer dapat nombor due..yeayyy!!haha cam budak2 plak. sejurus selepas tjm, ak mendapati bahawa ade penyakit pelik2 datang, mule2 demam, pastu kaki x bole nk bengkok, pastu tangan, pastu sume badan rase sengal yang teramat, pastu datang la demam n batuk2. naseb baek sume2 ni berlaku dlm mase 4 ari je. smpai ari khamis, ak da rase ok sket. cume GI tract ak cm bodoh sket. asyik cirit birit je..:(

then, ari jumaat kan, ak g nebraska. hehehehehehehehe nak g jumpe baby kak izza - abdul muizz. tapi time tu dy demam n terpakse duk hospital. siyes comel and kecik sgt baby baru lahir ni eh..and alhamdulillah, kak nadiah pun bersalin tgh malam tu jugak, so sempat jenguk2 tgk anak dy - abdul syakir namenye. x sempat nk dukung2, sebab kecik sgt n rase x brani..hehehehe 2 baby baru yang comel2 utk lincoln :):) then g makan sushi kt wasabi omaha. g ngan aizat, bha, hasanah, raihan, ain, fatin, choco ngan ain. dorg makan sushi dgn happy skali. ak makan ape y ak mampu je..hahaha malam tu dorg masak2 utk ktorg y dtg dr ames. naseb x baek perut ak sakit2 time tu..huuuuu dpt la jugak rase sikit, n sedappppp sgt!:)

sementara tu, sempat jugak g date ngan hasanah :) ktorg g jalan2 n tgk wayang cte "i am number four" ngan sempat melahap frap mocca kt starbuck..hehe. even sekejap je dpt spend mase, tp ak puas ati.:) and sorry hasanah, x sempat nak cakap goodbye. takpe, april 8 nnti nur luqman g sane jumpe nurul hasanah lagi eh :):):):):) thank you for spending time with me. just so u know -  i love you so much much much, budak mengadeee :)

jom study utk kelasses n the rest of spring semester !! ade 5 je exam besar. insyaAllah ak akan buat yang terbaik :)

Monday, March 7, 2011


The shortest word in the world is 'I,' the sweetest word in the world is 'love' and the only one for me is 'you"

I've fallen in love with you and I'll never let you go. I just had to let you know and if you ever wonder why, I don't know what I'll say, but I'll never stop loving you, each and every day". So, If you're asking if I need you, the answer is forever. If you're asking if I will leave you, the answer is never. If you're asking what I value, the answer is you. and if you asking if I love you, the answer is I DO

**I love you more now than when you began to read this.

Friday, March 4, 2011

atas tarikh :)

update sket

aritu time world soccer tournament, team ak tak perform langsung. maen macam haram je, and tak boleh nak salahkan sape2, sume tak ready nak join turnament. tapi takpe, byk pengalaman yang ditimba, harap pasni takdelah kalah2 lagi eh -- ak tau badan ak berat, so mintak maaf eh kawan2 sbb ak tak bole lari laju2 dah..takpe, ak tengah berusaha nk ringan2 smule..haha

bil tepon, sewa umah ngan bil eletrik still tak berbayar. duit mmg jd masalah besar dlm hidup ak, jarang ak bole senyum sbb duit aku byk..haha.. kadang2 terpikir jugak, nnti klo ak keje nnti camane la ak nk handle masalah kewangan..klo korg nk tau, skang ni ak tgh lepak kt umah gborn/pejoe/ahmad - sbb eletrik umah ktorg kene potong, lmbat byr..padan muke ktorg..haha

Temasya Jagoh Malaya name diberi. nnti ade cam sukan kecil kecilan just utk merapatkan sillaturrahin sesame student malaysia kt Iowa - minni ngan wiscon pun ade y nk join..alhamdulillah. semua ni idea abg shamel kite y bertungkus lumus nk adekan temasya ni. ade futsal, volleyball, takraw ngan badminton. ofkos la ak join futsal, n klo bole main 2 game ak nk maen volleyball just for fun..hehe. lagipun, TJM ni bole jugak nak dijadikan platform persediaan menempuh Midwest game nnti..:)

gile babeng punye teruk. sem ni yang paling mencabar bagi ak..stelah lame ak berpikir, ak ad buat satu teori -"...klo aku x study, ak fail exam -  klo ak study sikit2, ak fail jugak exam tu - and even aku study giler2 pun, ak fail jugak, so maksudnye ak mmg BODOH..." --> betul ke eh? aku mmg tgh tensen pasal subjek2 ak sem ni, ak harap x effect sgt kt ak nye pointer, nnti ak kene anta balik msia baru pdn ngan muke ak.

bcakap pasal balik msia td, ak akan pulang ke watersoil pd 3jun and smpai sane 5jun..mule2nye ak nye flight 2jun, tp ntah kenape cancel2, pastu tunde ke 3jun, xpe, lewat sehari je pun.

aku rindu giler2 kt mak bapak ngan fmly ak kt msia, x sabar nk balik msia n peluk dorg smpai xnk lepas..huuuuu. pastu aku rindu makanan kt msia, ak harap nnti ak makan byk2 pun, ak stil bole jage badan ak y susah nk jage ni..hahaha

nnti spring break ingatkan nk jalan2 g chicago or minni ngan nebraska, tp kene tgk budget duit dulu kot, mengikut kiraan, duit ak mmg x ckup..hahaha, tgk la cane nnti.

aritu pas menang 2nd leg uefa cup lwn prague, tibe2 x perform plak bile lwn west ham, kalah 3-1 plak tu, ntah ape la silapnye.. takpe2, nnti kite belasah MU cukup2 esok..haha

***budak mengade, wish you good luck nnti perform kt malaysian night eh, jangan mengade2 sgt time buat persembahan. nnti kene baling ngan maggi..hehe -- i miss you so much :)~

penat dah taip2 ni, nnti next week ak free, bole la ak update blog slalu..hehe. chow~

****one more thing - ak x tau ko still bace blog aku ke x. tp in case la ko terbace, ak nk ckp trime kaseh sbb ajar ak camane nk kenal pompuan - yang bukan mcm ko. tp aku tau ko mmg baek, cume ak x bole trime ape y ko buat n ckp ak aku, konon2 sbb nk rase sorg2 kn, tup2 tibe2 je suke beruang...takpe lah, smoga korg bbahagie smpai ke anak cucu - xyah nk terase plak ngan mende y ak ckp eh. , ps : naseb baek ko ckp awal2 kt aku, thanks a lot eh:):):) to the guy with the same name with me, good luck!!


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