Alhamdulilah so far the kids managed to complete their fasting. Since Ramadan started, Syafiq tinggal 2 days coz he felt so tired after he came back from school.
The greatest challenge for them at school is most of their school mates tak puasa! Even nadia's classmate in Grade 5 tak puasa. So syok aje their frens makan dan minum macam biasa depan they all. Canteen pun mengalu alu kan budak beli makanan!
In Syafiq's class (grade 3) he is the only one who is fasting! So u can imagine how my poor syafiq has to control his urges to join his friends yang tengah syok makan and minum...I'm so proud of him and nadia coz day to day they have to face these challeges and still managed to keep their fast. Off course bila balik sekolah, masuk pintu je the first word they say - mama bole tak nak minum.... which I usually answer kejap lagi je nak buka puasa ..rugi...(tho masa tu lagi 4 jam nak buka!) So far it works ;-)
Rupanya arabs kat sini tak emphasis for their kids to start fasting at a young age. When they reached adolescence then only fasting will start for them.
Totally different from us huh.... where kids started to fast from 5 years old and in fact sum kids fast for full month since they are 6! Most of the time it's not becoz the parents force them too but the kids themselves wanted to fast. Off course one of the reason are usually the RM reward per fasting day :-)
Teringat masa my time dulu, (ages ago!!) even at 10 yrs old, I still selamba je minum kat sekolah, siap bawak bekal air lagik!*malu*
This is not to be told to my kids! heh..heh.....
Cats in Bloom 2025
4 weeks ago