Summer is going by oh so quickly and thought I should update those of you that check my neglected blog. Oh how I wish I could be dedicated to it like a lot of you out there. I just can't seem to make it happen!!!!
Elsa's favorite sayings right now
"come here Mom!" what!!!!!?!?!? what happened to Mommy?
"I wanna go on 'acation'"
"I like your beard" (Anytime she here's this song (Your love is my drug) on the radio she says this for a good 5 minutes afterwards and cracks herself up)
"I want a pink poccle" (popsicle)
"uh uh na na wa ju see" (It's her song, don't ask, we have NO idea)
"I don't want to go home, I want to go new house!!!!!!" (she still does not get that home is the new house, she gets VERY defensive when we say we are going home)
"That's my hair piece" (her hair clips-she must have learned that from being at the theater)
"Daddy fic it?" aka. fix
-shaving her face in the shower with the squeegie
-kissing my freckles/moles because they are boo boos
-wearing her big girl underwear backwards causing the most adorable little wedgie :)
-putting her necklaces on Jack
-crossing her legs while trying to go potty
Can you tell it doesn't rain very often here..... Elsa did not know what to do with herself. Then she started to follow her nutso mommy and had fun.
Getting princess hair........ it's the only thing I can say to attempt to get her to
stay still.
One little monkey in a tutu jumping on a couch....yes, we fall
off a lot! (This was my play tutu at her age)
She's a fish!!!!!!! We swim practically everyday.....Olympics 2026?