1- erm,nk ckp cket neh kat awak.. bce NO 5
2- Mmmm..cmne ek nk ckp? Bce je la NO 8
3- nk taw ekh?erm,bce NO 9
4- huh,drpd pning bek bce jap NO 15
5- cmne ek nk ckp.. NO 17 je k..
6- kite nk ckp skg tp lbh bek bce NO 16
7- kite akn ckp tp bce dlu NO 2
8- yg kite nk ckp neh simple jek..tp bce dlu NO 4 k?
9- tak payah la b’debar2 cm2..cme bce jap NO 18
10- Blom lg la..bce NO 19 ye..
11- da pnt ekh? Bce jap NO 13
12- sbnrnye kite nk ckp klu….(ah bce no 3 la)
13- tgl cket jek lg bce NO 20
14- argh,pnt neh..bce NO 1
15- adush,dah pning dh ni.. bce la NO 6
16- lorh,msh ta phm lg kew? Bce NO 12
17- ades,nk ckp neh..bce NO 7
18- kite taktau klu awk phm..tlg bce NO 10
19. Baca NO 11 dgn tenang ye..nt awk akn taw..
20- oke2,skg kite ckp..bce NO 14, tp slow2 jek k

AJL---A prEstiGouS niTe...GAZA---so vErY sAd..wHat A pIty On ThEm

Let me begin with Assalamualaikum..

Ermm..I had just watched the AJL (Anugerah Juara Lagu)..

Wow!! Meet Uncle Hussein won it..hehe..quite a shock..:-(

While Faizal Tahir grabbed three kinds of awards altogether in just few minutes of the night..congrats Faizal!! **Thanks my dear Oshinz 4 ur info..eheh

Today's AJL is quite happening with so many songs that are very2 pleasant to be heard..Dingin..Bila Nak Saksi..Lagu Kita..Coba..n so on..

Congrats Stacy as well!!~~What a very energetic performance..so cute..hehe

However, here i would like to remind everyone of us..

With all those happiness here, but still,it doesn't mean that we should forget about the Palestinians.

I'm so really sorry to hear that there are BOMBS~EXPLOSION~DEATH~COLONIZATION in Gaza..

We should have to do something in order to help those people who are in trouble..

Lets think about something!

Till den..coz im going to sleep right after this since i am so SLEEPY..Hee:)

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