I blantantly stole this from. www.em-il-ie.com!
Landon N. Croft as of August 2015
Age: 9
Height: 4’ 7”
What are you looking most forward to at 18: Going on a mission. I don't care where I go. [Why do you look forward to that?] Because that's what Heavenly Father wants me to do!
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Singer: I don't really have a favorite singer.
Favorite TV Show: Ninjago
Biggest Fears: The dark.
Proudest Moment: Probably . . . drawing 3D shapes for the first time.
Best Friends: Payton.
Favorite Game: Minecraft
My perfect day would be: Seeing all of Harry Potter Land!
Favorite foods: Mexican food
I love: Hugs and kisses. Friends.
I hate: Shots. [You read that!] Yeah, but I really don't like shots!
Favorite piece of clothing: My camo pajamas.
Favorite place to visit: Legoland- that was a fun one to go to.
When I grow up I want to be: I want to be a scientist. [What kind?] Chemistry.
Do you want to get married: Yes.
Do you want to have kids: Yes.
What is your dream car: A hovercar- [You read that, too!] No wait! You didn't let me finish. A hovercar that you don't have to wear seatbelts. And it has a pool!
What one place do you want to visit: Germany.
If you had $20 what would you buy? Nowadays $20 doesn't go so far. [Ha!] A lego set!
What’s your favorite sport? basketball
Favorite book: Percy Jackson books
What’s your favorite dessert? brownies
What do you want to study in College? Chemistry and English.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? Probably here.
Do you want to serve a mission? Yes.
What kinds of girls do you think are cute? Can we just erase all these next ones? I just don't like them! [I'll agree if you tell me more. Why don't you like them?] I just don't like the idea. I'm just not to that point.
Who is your celebrity crush? see above
What do you want 18 year old Landon to be like? Really cool!
What super-power would you like to have? To tell the future. I'd just like to see what things will happen in the future!