Friday, March 17



Stuff Portrait Friday

SPF Assignment:

These aren't the best shots, but hey..I did it last minute. It's also SO grey out today that I can't get good lighting.
Ignore the cat hair on the couch and coat :)
And I have a gazillion candles, but these are my favorites.

It Ain't Easy

You're 45% Irish

You're probably less Irish than you think you are...
But you're still more Irish than most.

Happy St. Patrick's Day :)

You Are Olive Green

You are the most real of all the green shades. You're always true to yourself.
For you, authenticity and honesty are very important... both in others and yourself.
You are grounded and secure. It takes a lot to shake you.
People see you as dependable, probably the most dependable person they know.

Today's Menu

What job would you definitely not want to have? **Animal Control

Oprah calls and wants you to appear on her show. What would that day's show be about? *Alcoholic Parents

Name 3 vegetables that you eat on a regular basis. **Asparagus,Corn & Squash

Main Course
If you were commissioned to rename your hometown, what would you call it?**Paradise


If you had a personal assistant, what kind of tasks would you have them to do?** Move Hay and Firewood.

Thursday, March 16


The flowers are slowly blooming :)
Critter is still in the box.
No snow today, but it does look like some is moving in for tonight.
Tomorrow is St. Patricks Day....Do I have anything green?
If anything I have Heineken:)
So, no pinching!


This is a "Vision" to me.

Tagged 13

**I was tagged by Shephard to "List ten things you want to say to people you know but you never will, for whatever reason. Don't say who they are. Use each person only once." I will list 13 here.**

Thirteen Things I should, but won't, say to people I know.

1. I wish you trusted me more. If you gave me that chance, you would learn that I'm the most trustworthy person you will ever meet.
2. I value our friendship more than you will ever know, but I'll never tell you because I don't know how.
3. I'm excited to meet you, but afraid I won't be what you expect.
4. I'm so tired of you being so critical of everything. You are so negative. If you could just let that go, we could be friends.
5. I feel a difference in our friendship, but won't ask why.
6. I think about your pain daily, wondering if you're going to be okay.
7. I'm so inspired by your art, it makes me want to do everything better.
8. Our talks have changed my life and I don't think you have any idea.
9. I think about you everyday and you have no idea.
10. I donate money to help you out, but you don't know it's me.
11. I wish you stood up for yourself more often.
12. I wish you had appreciated me more, as much as I did you. I wonder if you look back now and regret that.
13. I feel bad leaving you the way I did, but you left me no choice.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!


Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Wednesday, March 15

Splash of Color

The flowers are here! Now, I just have to wait for them to open :)
Oh and Critter was just as pleased with the box. He's been in it for an hour.


Want to know how much your house is worth?
Or your neighbors? I was pretty surprised.

Spring? When?

It's snowing this morning. Three inches so far.

You know, I really do love it. It's beautiful and peaceful and I could watch it all day. Well, I have watched it many days all day. But I am SO glad my flowers will be here today.

I walked out to feed the horses this morning and they all at least had an inch of snow on their backs. They won't go in the barn, I think that's so odd. Maybe it feels good, who knows. Brock does the same thing.

I don't remember any dreams from last night.
I haven't tried to injure myself yet. Yet.
I'm really just babbling now...are you still reading?
I think it's snowed another inch while I've been sitting here.
Either I'm thinking way too slow, or it's snowing too hard.
I think it's the snow.

Found a quote I like..."Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."


Did I tell you I was part cat??

I know most of you reading will laugh at that remark, and maybe even agree. The hubs always teases me that I must have cat in me because I can communicate with them very well. There has been many a time that I have dealt with a strange cat and talked it into being my friend, just to have someone say, "That cat usually hates strangers".
Or when I used to work Animal ER, and was always called when dealing with an aggressive, mean cat.

But that's not my point tonight.
I've decided that I must have nine lives. Definitely.
I don't usually blog about all the times I feel like I could have killed myself here, only because I don't want to freak people out. But, I usually can walk away and laugh that I've used one of my nine lives. I'm afraid now that I might be getting pretty low.

I always joke that I live Murphy's Law here, but I also have to admit that someone's watching over me too.
I never mentioned the time that I crawled up onto the hay stack to rescue a cat, just wouind up causing me, cat and alot of hay falling over. Took me forever to get the hay out of my hair.
Couple of bruises, that's all.
Or the time I got up on a very wobbly ladder to try to get two cats out of a tree. It was a bad ladder, and I had to stand on the very top step to reach one of them.
Or how about the time my truck about ran off the road. Did I tell you that? OH my, did I almost have heart failure. Our roads are horrible here in the winter, we call them "washboard" because they have so many ripples and holes. So..when you're driving, you try to avoid these holes. I was doing this one day when my tires went just a tad too far off the road and tried to go off the road.
When I say off the road, I'm not exaggerating. If I had gone off the road, I would have tumbled...alot. Luckily, I thought quickly and ripped that steering wheel as far as I could the opposite way and didn't go over. BUT...I ripped it so far over that I almost went over the other side. Whew...thinking about that now still gives me the heebie jeebies.

Anyway...tonight I had another use of a life.
Our firewood is stacked outside the house, downstairs. There's not the greatest light down there. I went down to gather some wood to bring back upstairs, but climbed up on some of it to get some smaller pieces. Should I go on??
I brought half the wood down with me. Me and a pile of wood. hurt. Yeah...I'll have a few bruises. But, I'll live.

It's just interesting to me, the life I live here.
Who'da thought, eh?
But, as I limped back upstairs, with my several pieces of wood, I thought to myself that I had used another life.

And then I thought..."I should blog about this."

Tuesday, March 14

I've Got Them All Fooled

You Are 30% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.

I Need Some Color

I ordered some flowers today from Here.
I can't wait :) I love having flowers in the house but obviously don't have any growing and the ones at the grocery store are just crummy.
Laura has posted pics of flowers from this same place and they are just gorgeous. I just need some color in this house.

Swimming in Dreams

After my dream post yesterday, I started thinking about other common dreams I have. Common as in I have the same kind of dream more than once.
Your answers to my last dream were interesting. To think that there's something I have yet to complete or need to finalize before moving on are somewhat true. The only thing is that i've had this same "lost" dream for years and years. I definitely loved your responses and have certainly given it alot of thought.

Which, of course made me think of another dream I used to have alot. This one was alot more stressful. Luckily I haven't had it in quite awhile.

I would be in some kind of stressful situation. Sometimes a little less stressful like a stranded car or abandoned somewhere. The scarier ones were where someone was either chasing me or trying to hurt me.
The part that was so freaky was that "if" I saw someone, I had no voice. I would scream and scream but nothing would come out.
If I was able to get to a phone, I could never dial the number right. Everytime I would dial I would mess it up and have to start over. That was very freaky and of course stressful.
"If" I did finally get someone on the phone, well you know where this is going, they couldn't hear me. I hated those dreams. Maybe you can even call them nightmares. More than once I woke up with a rapid heartbeat and a little scared.

I was reading
Christie today and she blogged about dreaming about bloggers. This I thought was funny because I have done the same. I imagine that's normal for us, considering we see, read or talk to bloggers sometimes daily. But one thing I thought interesting and funny, is if you dream about a blogger you've never seen and your dream just puts a face on them for you. How wild is that? dream about people you've never met or even seen. Why do you see this face? Have you seen it before and don't remember? Is it someone you might meet one day?

I'm not sure why I'm into the whole dream thing lately. I've definitely been dreaming more than usual. I wonder why that is too? The last few nights my head has just been swimming in dreams.

Hmm..swimming in dreams..I like that :)