Wednesday, May 10

Wordless Wednesday


ribbiticus said...

great job again! how do you make these pics appear seamless? my ww's up! :)

~grey said...

I just noticed... you changed your background... how cool!!!
love the new design!!!

Love the ww pic... freaky but cool.

Michael said...

I do believe I busted my side out laughing. That is fabulous.

Cool new digs.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

Anybody want a peanut?


Shephard said...

Oh that's just wrong. lol

Anonymous said...

the husky with the elephant's tusk is kinda creepy.

Love them all tho.

My W W is up

-tnchick- said...

Amusing, as always.

I do like the new look. I had to undergo a change, too :)

Anonymous said...

Now that's different. :) I'm picturing the tail and the trunk wagging at the same time. :)

My ww is up.

LibertyBelle said...

Who morphed that poor doggie?
Or was it the elephant that was morphed?
My WW is up!

I love the new look!

Unknown said...

I'm with Shephard. He took the words right out of my fingers. ;0]

Anonymous said...

OMG HAHAHA! My dog would kill me ;-)