Thursday, May 11

New Blogger?


Angela said...

Kitty is sooo cute. Likes surfing too I see. *giggles*

Laura said...

they want to be in the weirdest places dont they?
mine wants to be right under my nose with whatever Im doing....
forget about reading the paper at the table....he just sprawls across the whole thing like I put it there for his pleasure!
great picture.....beautiful cat!

Marianna said...

So what's his blogger name?


Wendy said...

Too cute! I love the new background!!

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny :)

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

How cute?

Let me guess the blog title....""??


Shephard said...

Adorable. :)
Love the face markings and the light colored nose.

Kelly said...

What a beautiful cat. I love cats!

Dirty Fingernails said...

I am a huge catlover too!!! Gorgeous animal.

Laura said...

Is it just me or does this cat seem to have crossed eyes? I get that from staring at the computer for too long, too. Ha!