Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Grandma and Easton are taking Owen for a little walk and showing him all the wonderful things about camping.
The younger kids put on a show for us. It was an original song by Nick and Ben. Nick played the harmonica, Ben sang and Easton and PJ danced. It was very good. For some reason the video of it didn't want to load so maybe next time you'll see the actual production.
Here's Ben helping PJ dance to Lady Gaga. She somehow turned it into a clogging number, and occasionally would instruct Ben to lift her up into the air.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

More Camping with the Beins'

While we were up there, Nick was her best friend. They formed the Bandana Gang and you could only be in it if you had a bandana. Unless, you were Easton and he didn't need one.
They were really tough and made mean faces because if you are a gang you have to be mean and tough.
PJ was enjoyed orange soda which she decided was good to drink and was enjoyin watching the cold water challenge the guys do every year.
They had to dig a hole deep enough for all of them to sit in. They start out standing and eventually lower themselves lower and lower. This water is freezing and the first minute or two your body has to get use to it, or go numb to be able to stay in. I'm pretty sure they had hypothermia or the start of it because their bodies were tingling for a while and they were all freezing long into the night.
The little guys did the challenge next and lasted quite a long time. They were having a hard time moving after getting out. Every year my mom also does a scavenger hunt for the kids (Brent and Sara helped with clues and hiding this year), and they got pull string boats they could play with in the water. PJ loves hers.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Camping with the Beins'

Here is cute little Owen with Emily. He was in desperate need of a nap. He was such a good little camper though, and such a handsome one too.
Here's PJ keeping cool in the freezing water. Her pants got wet earlier so she just hung out in her underwear. And, don't worry we don't throw trash in the creek. It is just a great fridge.
Fishing with Conner.
Coming back from 4 wheeling. She originally had a helmet, but another driver on the road came around the corner in their lane and PJ was in the back ( had fallen asleep), started to fall off the side with the brake and the tire pinched the helmet shattering it. Thankfully, Kelly was driving or it could have been a lot worse, and thankfully we put a bike helmet on before she left. She was a little shaken up, but jumped back on the next day. We now have a little sturdier helmet too.
Playing in the sun and water. Your feet will go numb if you leave them in for longer than 1 minute.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Working to Get Ready for Camp

This picture was just too cute and she thought it was hilarious to see.

PJ is trying to get all her work done before we head up 8 mile to set up camp. Boy, was there a lot of typing to be done. I can't figure out what it says. It is encrypted really good.
A typewriter is so foreign to kids now days. They think it is the coolest thing. I remember it was awesome when we got to go to the computer lab to play Oregon Trail once a month. Oh, DOS where did you go?
We camped at Cold Springs. It has a creek that runs through and is freezing. You will get hypothermia if you stay in this one too long, but kids love it because there is a nice shallow spot to play in.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maybe One Day...

So, this is Nonan Valley not too far from Montpelier, Idaho. One day Rick and I might live close to here and feel the tranquility of this beautiful place.
My brother actually keeps cows out in this pasture, but I think it would be the perfect place for a home.
PJ went for a little ride with her cousins Britney and Bella. She loves hanging out with these girls. They know how to rough it, but can be very girly.