Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 Bloggy Awards

Wow, It is time again for the first annual Bloggies.
There was some tough (not really) competition this year. We at the Blog/Ketchup Advisory Council thank all who participated.

The Bloggy for Greatest and best gratuitous use of regional dialect goes to....MYNAMEISANDREA for her use of y'all!

The Bloggy for Greatest and best tragedy involving a baby and an expensive phone goes to.....LAURIE for her harrowing and yet powerful tale of her iPhone's struggle to survive in a new moisture rich world!

The Bloggy for Greatest and best wait between posts goes to....TDOG for edging out timandclaudia by 3 days! No posts since September?! you two need to get with Parker and Blog it out.

The Bloggy for Greatest and best misleading blog title goes to.....Eric's May 1st blog!! Awesome title....not what I payed for :(  ......P.S. Eric Lost points this year for running a 10k but got 2 doses of Ketchup Council sympathy for the Pats Super Bowl loss and his trip to Disneyland.

The Bloggy for Greatest and best co-existence of man and beast goes to.........Jaxsensfamily for their portrayal of Lexi and Action Jaxsen becoming canine/human siblings. 

This is the big one-The Bloggy for Greatest and best blog of the year..........nowherefromnowhere!!!! It has all the things you look for in a blog and has the best widgets-you will know where the race is AND when the Cub's are on!!!

If you are reading this-you win honorable mention participant ribbon.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Some Christmas Pictures

PJ wasn't sure about Santa when she first saw him, but then she discovered that if you told Santa what you wanted he would give you a present.  That changed her mind. She kept walking up to him trying to tell him what she wanted. "Santa, baby. Santa, baby" Luckily, the gift he handed her had babies in it. She was very grateful and Santa knew because she kept walking up to him to say, "Tankdee Santa" over and over until he was no longer in sight.
Her presents were a hit this year. She has been playing with them non-stop. Especially the baby and the Barbie, with the Barbie bossing the baby around.
That's a baby from last year in the stroller. PJ hadn't opened up her new baby yet. The old baby was replaced immediately when she opened her up. It has been nice to have her so fully entertained.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Another new BABY!!

We have big news. You'd better run. We decided that we liked our little June bug so much we'd try our luck at number two. We just didn't expect it to get here so quick. Feast your eyes on PJ 2.0- 
We sent a company in Syria our specifications and a DNA sample and this is what we got. THIS is what it smells like when doves cry. In the unlikely event of a water landing, use your seat as a floatation device. 
Also, Merry Christmas. We had a good time and hope you did too. If I knew how, I would show you a picture of Istanbul Christmas. Instead, try humming 'Thriller' to your friends-you'll both be happy.

Looking? Found somebody you have.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Slightly used senate seat for sale-make offer.

I am trying to form a group of like minded folks. We had our first meeting and decided to call it quits. I hated those guys anyhow. People say to me-you remind me of.... and I think, '6,000,000,000 people? There was bound to be a few more.' What i tell them is to have that guy's mom call my mom to compare notes. Let's settle this thing once and for all-with fists and weapons. 
We have received all of PJ's gifts we ordered for her. I was happy to see that they were all made in China. Those people need the work-the last thing we need is for them to get bored and go looking for something to do. You know the saying "idle hands are the blah blah blah"? It is safe to keep those 2 billion hands busy-even if it means someone in the states has to work at Wal-Mart to sell it. 
We bought her a 'Wee-Welder' and have enrolled her in a vo-tec preschool. We decided that the we'd better hedge our bets and not count on our gene pool to produce an athlete.
Does President Obama get to drink from Geronimo's skull? Nope. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Holidays

We hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far.

Can you guess where we would like to be right now? We've been deprived of forms of frozen water. It will be nice when we get back to an ice rink and a ski hill.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

We're So Proud

She's a natural. One more year and Rick can finally take her boarding!