Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Halloween, a long time coming.

 We didn't really have anything for Ezra to dress up in so we shaved his head and dressed him up like Rick. I think it turned out well.
 I was the crazy cat lady and PJ was a genie.
Not Halloween, but a couple weeks later at the Olympic Training Center. Cool runnings mon.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Time

 PJ had her first Field Trip to Venetucci Farms where all the kids got to pick out one pumpkin. It's been a long time tradition for the farm to let all school age kids get one free pumpkin as long as they can carry it out. Ruby was her pumpkin picking partner.
 Ezra got to go too and he thought it was pretty cool.
PJ got her face painted when we went to Applebee's one night (kids night). I thought she would come back with something girly. I definitely was not expecting a spider on her face. She's a funny girl.

Bring on Halloween!!!!


A child's creativity never fails to amaze no matter what age.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Memories

 PJ when she was born. Everything was nice and quiet and tranquil.
 Ezra when he was born. Not quite as cute as PJ right afterward, but he was very fast. Check out those huge hands!!
 PJ at 1 years old.
Ezra at 1 years old.
They look a lot alike, and turned out to be pretty dang cute. I love their personalities, and the love they have for us. The are just the best kids to have around(most of the time). Love you cute little lovebugs!!!!

Roll Your Hands

I just love him!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

4th of July

 Waiting for the parade to start. We didn't even need our jackets this year. Took them just in case, but it was too hot!
E-Z man and me. He was so good and just wanted to watch all the people go by as he waved.
 PJ felt this was a better way hold her bad. Ethan must have been convinced because he had his mom help him do it too.
Good ole' Uncle Dave. Snakes are so cool when you are kids, and big kids too.  One snake grows better than when you like a whole package in case anyone was wondering. Thanks Dave for helping the kids not get burned with them fire sticks.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Black Canyon

 Nick came with us to Soda Springs a couple of weeks ago. He was such a good helper. The kids love him, and it was really nice for me because he just unpacked my car and I didn't even ask. Loved it. We've got to get our Nick time in because we may not see him for a couple of years when he heads out on a mission next spring.
 PJ and Nick walking across the bridge at Black Canyon. I like how he'll just let PJ hold his hand.
 This is outside of Grace, Idaho, and this river is so cool. It is solid bedrock that cascades down, and it looks so cool when you look into it. Supposedly it also a really good place to fish.
 The kiddos and me. Best kids ever! Well, most of the time.
I hope we can get a chance to take Rick when he gets back. It was a cool place to explore.