Let me just start off by saying I know what a horrible blogger I am. I'm amazed at you people who can do it nearly every day---heck every week. Now that I've got that off my chest we can move on.
Christmas in Utah! It was lovely. Oh I could post a million pictures but I'll try to get by with only 16. We did so many things in the time we were there---here are my favorites...
Breakfast with Santa
Hanging out with both families
Hanging out with friends
Kristin coming into town
Hanging out all day with our very missed kville friends and the husbands taking the kids sledding
Late night with my girlfriends
Utah runs
Spinning with my mom
Delicious restaurants
Taking tracks to Temple Sqaure
Alvin and the Chipmunks (lie!)
Jackson ice skating for the first time
Sleeping in
Eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted
Having Tyler all day long
New Years
Christmas morning. The kids were so excited. Isn't this the best part? I love watching the kids.

Olivia finally got some girl toys. Which included a my little pony and princess dress ups. Se loves the princess shoes.

That's right it's a snuggie. And don't you worry I got one too (although mine is super cool because it says WEEZER on it). I've been joking about the snuggies for a while now and now we own them. Now instead of snuggling Jackson asks me if I want to snuggie. Santa was good to J, he got a remote control car, scooter and transformers (of course).

Our dear parents---what would we do without them. My Dad had a double knee replacement a couple days before I got to Utah and T's dad had surgery for a double hernia while we were there. So they were both a bit drugged for Christmas. But both are doing better. We sure love those parents of ours and so do the kids.
Mom and Dad R

Ty and I were able to go skiing with both our brothers and then a couple days later we took the kids. It was a blast. J loves it and I wish he could go more than once a year. We didn't put O on skis, we just took turns holding her down the hill. After a couple times she was trying to push us off our skis and saying "I ski I ski". Maybe next year baby girl.

After a couple times down the bunny hill he wanted to do it all by himself. Even made a couple turns.

All alone on the tow rope. I was the nerdy mom jumping up and down and taking pictures because I was so proud.

We love Christmas in Utah. It's extremely busy but worth the family time. Love you all see you in the summer!