Showing posts with label bunnies.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bunnies.. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


 A new month and another challenge piece, my scissor fob for this month has a tiny grey rabbit on it, I can not give any credit for the design source as I first stitched this design many years ago and no longer have the chart, stitching it this time I copier from the piece I had previously stitched.
Again this time I have mounted it using part of a zip round the edge, more silver jewellery findings make up the decoration, I really must go back to the bead shop and explore what else in available to use in this way.
With Easter being at the end of this month I am planning to add a few more Easter egg decorations to what I made last year for my small tree. Here is the first one another chart I have had in my collection for a long time and was reminded of it when I saw it on Pinterest recently .
Thank you to all who visited my blog postings recently and left comments sorry no replies still trying to catch up after being away. specially the battle with the weeds in the garden
Back in a few days to share what I am stitching and I hope more eggs.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


 A week ago, I attended a two day workshop on Silk Shading, this is my second attempt to learn this type of embroidery work. In 1998 I also attended a Silk Shading Workshop, however I was carried away with my subject and the result was really needle painting . That piece was "Little Bunnies" This was followed by another needle painting, of little goslings, both these were taken from Marjolein Bastin paintings.  Having found how enjoyable this type of stitching was I did several more pieces all, these were all birds,( see my album.)
Over the years I have done a little sketching and dabbled in watercolours and needle paint seemed to follow quite naturally. I enjoyed the small animals and birds, fur and feathers seem to lie easily in the stitching.  Silk Shading calls for more discipline ! After 10 hours stitching I have only one petal and one leaf of my poppy done I will show this when there is a little more stitching done.

Meanwhile this week I have been back to the needle painting stitching a piece for our Guild Challenge for tonight. The challenge asks for a piece, postcard size - 15 x 10cm and any form of stitching. The design to be formed from 2 lines in any direction,  superimposed with 7cm circle. and wotked in any technique we like.I have finished but yet to take a photo of the piece, it is a very dull day here and I dont like photographing embroidery using a flash, so I will post a photo of it later, meanwhile here is what I did for my 7cm circle, this I copied in the scanner. The background has the minimum amount of stitching, as you will see later