Saturday, May 30, 2009

Customer Appreciation Day

Our real estate agent invited us to an pirate-themed event today at the park. It was so much fun for the kids. We were there for 3 hours and consumed massive amounts of cotton candy, snow cones, and suckers. That will last them for the next year or two!

When I grow up..

Cady was eating breakfast today and she said, "When I get big, I'm going to have a baby." And Dax says, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a spider. And I'm going to make big webs." 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dax's Baby Clothes Quilt

Since I really feel little need to keep anything around my house for long, I decided to make a quilt out of C's baby clothes when she was younger to have a keepsake. I decided to follow up with that tradition for Dax. I've been wanting to do it forever and finally made myself do it today. I definitely don't have any skill for this, but at least I get it done:) Hopefully they appreciate it later. And now it goes into a drawer or unless he decides he wants to use it!
The quilted part is made from the front and a back of each outfit I chose. (Boy, that Little Devil outfit sure fit him to a T) Then the backside is one of D's baby blankets. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Deep thoughts..

I took the kids for a walk this afternoon. Cady said, "Remember when we went to Miss Sara's and I had two jelly beans and a brownie? That was a good night."  Just made me laugh that those are the things that make for a good night for a 4 year old.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

3rd trimester!

Well, yesterday I hit the 3rd trimester. I can't believe this baby will be here in 3 short months. It's amazing. My belly absolutely looks like a girl to me! 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Please don't stop the music.

Below: Cady's dance teacher. Doesn't Dax look so funny?

Cady had her dance recital this afternoon. She did a ballet and tap routine. It was a salute to the USA, and Cady was dressed like a little sailor. Like Father, like daughter? I was the crazy pregnant Mom trying to juggle a two year old, a video camera, and a still camera. I must say that I have no idea what the routine looked like and didn't get to watch any of it myself. Hopefully the video came out so I can watch it some other time. The things I do for everyone else that doesn't get to be here. 

I gave Cady a small bouquet of flowers from one of the few bouquets I got for Mother's Day. I'm the cheap Mom that didn't come in with a $20 bouquet:) But she had no clue, and she loved them! We put them in a vase by her bed tonight. She's so proud of her flowers. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Aaah, the fresh strawberries!

I found a new recipe for lemon poppyseed cake layered with strawberries and a fresh cream frosting made with white chocolate. I finally made it today and had some big help. Now I can't wait for dessert tonight to see how it tastes! The kids give the frosting two big thumbs up! Dax loves using the egg slicer to slice the strawberries. He kept saying, "I'm a good boy. I'm a helper."

Monday, May 4, 2009


Just a video from C's swimming lessons tonight. She's improved so much! I'm so proud of her. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009


The fruits of my labors (last summer)! Everything is looking pretty good in the landscaping that we worked so hard on last year. There are a few things that I want to do, but overall I'm happy. One of the big bushes, the Japanese Blueberry Bush, died in late winter. I took it in today and exchanged it for a cool new evergreen that look like it might be from Jamaica. Love the dreads! I think I am going to add a new little area of plants in front of the air conditioner/heat pumps in the background of the first picture. That will be more fun for me! What person who is six months pregnant and has no help comes up with things like this to do? 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Strawberry Picking!

We made our first trip to the strawberry patch today. The strawberries are so yummy. Dax kept saying, "I like picking strawberries." He would pick the unripe ones and then throw them! It took me a long time to get him to just pick the "super red" ones. Little devil. Of course, we all ate our fair share. Then we came home and made strawberry margaritas. However, this year they were lacking two main things.....booze and Daddy!