
Showing posts from May, 2014

June New Book Releases We Are Dying to Read!

Vika's Historical Romance Review: The Secret Life of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams

Steampunk YA Review: Third Daughter by Susan Kaye Quinn

The Postman Knock #80

Urban Fantasy Review: Night Owls by Lauren M. Roy

Vika's NA Post-Apocalyptic Fiction Review: West by C.S. Starr

Tagged: The Book Blogger Test

Urban Fantasy Review: Darkness Divides by Susan Illene

The Postman Knock #79

Noir Paranormal Mystery Review: One Death at A Time by Thomas M. Hewlett

Sci Fi Romance Review: The Ophelia Prophecy by Sharon Lynn Fisher

Blogoversary winners!

Sci Fi YA Review: Empress of The Sun by Ian McDonald

The Postman Knock #78

Nocturnal Book Reviews 3rd Blogoversary Celebration Day Five with us... just us!