
Christmas 2009

C's first Christmas

Noah's favorite part

Three little munchkins


It was a treat having the missionaries

Setting up for the Nativity

It was a good Christmas


Happy feelings...

Yay, Ryan is done with finals (he's been done for about a week now) and we can't get enough of him! It has been the best having him home all to ourselves, worry free of studying. I am so proud of him, that he's got another semester down. I'm lucky to have someone who works hard at everything he puts his mind to and that he tries to give it his whole hundred percent!
I love the feeling in my heart this time of year and the gratitude I feel for countless blessings, especially the blessing of family. This is the first Christmas away from family, and we miss them more than ever, but I'm thankful for our little immediate family and for the new traditions we will begin this year! I hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas!!!
Happy Birthday, Misty!
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Cheesin' it up

Collin turned 10 months on the 5th and decided to really start showing his little personality, it's too fun. Every time I go to take a picture the camera makes a little sound and flashes that red light right before and he loves it! So this is the face I always get now in the picture...

kAnSas CitY

Last Saturday we took the day to go down to Kansas City and meet up with my brother, Matt, and nephew, Hunter, who just turned 13! It was just me and the boys, poor Ryan had to stay home and study all day for finals, so we thought we would try to lessen the distractions. We had a great time seeing some of the city and enjoying the BEST BBQ!! Now, I've pretty much only had Joe Morley's (in Utah) or Texas Roadhouse, but this food was amazing. When I told my friend (who, by the way, doesn't even like meat) that we were going to KC, she raved about the barbecue and told me it was the one thing I had to do there. To say the least, none of us were disappointed! We were so glad to be able to see family, we miss you already! :)

We stopped and had some yummy ice cream at the plaza.

The beautiful Christmas lights on the plaza

Pic with firefighter uncle Matt (Those beanies are the best, Misty!:))


Gingerbread Display

Out here in Omaha we are really lucky to be close to some wonderful church history sights. Last night we were able to go to the Kanesville Tabernacle to see their annual gingerbread house display. I had heard cool things about it from people in our ward, but didn't realize until we got there how AMAZING these gingerbread houses are! I love all the detail and think it's so neat that families and wards take so much time putting these together, they are incredible.

The boys by the Winter Quarters Temple display(poor Jax fell asleep & missed it)

Me and Mr. Noah

This one was my favorite- it was called "Coming home for Christmas"

This was so cute, the fruit baskets are made with little runt candies