
Waiting for baby...

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Lately I have been sewing with the new machine my great hub gave me for Christmas. I am definitely a novice and don't remember much from my high school sewing class, so decided to start out simple. I made these two receiving-type blankets for the baby and am working on his quilt, which I'm hoping to finish in time. I love sewing, it's a lot of fun, just need to keep practicing!



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While the boys are napping, I've have been trying to brush up on some of the hobbies I enjoy doing. I've been sewing and have also been making cards for the cardmaking club we have in our complex. We make enough cards for whoever is in the club and then we exchange them while eating yummy treats. This month the theme was "Love" and these are a few of the ones I made. It's nice to have hobbies and relieve some stress every once in a while!


Fun Weekend

On Thursday night we went with my family to the Draper Temple Open House. It was my first time ever going to an open house for a new temple. It was so gorgeous inside and a lot fun taking the kids. Mr. Noah was really cute when we saw the baptismal font, he told me that is where Jesus was baptized by John. I didn't even realize, until then, that he remembered that little detail about who baptized Jesus. We had a family night on baptism months ago where we showed that picture. It amazes me how much these little guys' brains retain! I love the temple and am grateful we have so many close by!

Ry and his little buddies


Nursing Cover Contest!

For all you nursing moms or moms to be, head over to my friend's blog Perch and enter her contest to win a nursing cover from Nurse Simply!


Baby Update

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I thought I’d give a little baby update, since we’ve been unsure of when we think the baby will come… I was told a couple of weeks ago that I was measuring 3 weeks ahead, but the real case, we found out, is that there’s more amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. So really, I am right on track with the due date. It never crossed my mind that this would be the reason I look so big, and don’t really understand what causes it. The doctor told me it could be a couple of reasons, including gestational diabetes, but I have already passed that test a month or so ago. Since this fluid thing, my doctor decided to have me drink that yummy (NOT) glucose drink and re-do the test and to also have weekly non-stress tests done. So I went in today, and the fluid has increased a bit, but things are lookin’ a-okay. They did tell me that it’s likely I will go early, though. Yay! (As long as everything is alright, of course) So now I guess it is just the waiting game until the little guy decides to come. It’s been fun this week setting up the bassinet and washing all the newborn stuff. Can’t wait to see him!