
Tagged-Some three's about me

Three Joys:

1.) Having Ryan as my best friend
2.) Being the mom of the best little boys
3.) Candy

Three Fears:

1.) Being widowed
2.) My kids being ran over or kidnapped
3.) My mom's next move

Three Goals:

1.) To establish more patience
2.) Help support us while Ryan is in school
3.) To live in the moment

Three Current Obsessions/Collections:

1.) Being outside w/the boys
2.) Finishing my medical transcription course, (completed today!)
3.) Candy, always candy

Three Random Surprising Facts About Me:
1.) I don't really like sleeping by the door, but do since I'm the one to get up with the boys at night :)
2.) I love to organize things, even though it never really looks that way at my house
3.) I love the feel of clean sheets and probably wash them a little too often

I tag Linds Barfuss, Misty, Anika, Teri and who ever else wants to be tagged!


Bye Bye Birdie(s)

A couple of months ago we noticed that a robin was building her nest in a tree right out by the deck. We kept watching it and one day there were two robin eggs, then eventually four. It was every morning's highlight for a while. Then came the little baby birds that were so cute! They would chirp every morning and stick their little heads out of the nest, Noah and Savannah loved it! Sadly, one day we went out and found one little birdie out on the lawn dead. We soon realized it was probably the neighbor cat that had killed it, since she'd been seen roaming around the nest. Shortly after, the rest of the little babies were gone, and again, probably eaten by Gracie the cat. :( So Noah and Savannah buried the little birdie in the garden and had a little service. Guess it wasn't the most convenient place for the mother robin to build her nest, but fun for us while it lasted!


Independence Day

American Flag.
I am so excited for the 4th! It has always been my favorite holiday, especially the fireworks and remembering the freedoms we enjoy every day. With the two little youngsters, it is even better (along with every other holiday)! Last year we had a blast being in and watching parades, eating cotton candy, riding ponies, getting faces painted, seeing fireworks, etc. We can't wait to bask in the fun again this year!