
Scott Douglas Burt

He's 2 weeks now and weighed 10lbs 10oz at his checkup!

These guys are so excited to have a new little brother, they can't get enough of him!


Alvin and the Chipmunks

Happy Halloween!


Ryan and I went to Hawaii and had the best time. It was a great way to celebrate our 7th Anniversary! He had an interview there and I was lucky enough to have been able to tag along!! It was, no doubt, a beautiful place!


Baby Boy Burt #4

Due January 13th, 2012!


the last 5 months

Jax turned 4 a few weeks ago, he's growing up too fast

He wanted a fish cake, last year it was a snowman cake. He cracks me up.

He chose to go bowling with his best friend, Gavin

This year's Valentines the boys made for their friends

Collin's 2nd birthday! He still loves suckers, so he got a sucker cake

Noah lost his first tooth

Then the second

New Year's party fun

Absolutely loved being with family

Sledding was a blast

We went snowshoeing up to Doughnut Falls, beautiful

Gma Jean gave the boys pillow pets that they love

It was great having my mom with us on Christmas

Three happy little dudes

These guys loved this at the airport, we took a few strolls

Collin wasn't so sure about Santa

Thanksgiving with the greatest friends in the world
(we missed those who went home for the holiday)



All Yoda wanted the entire weekend were suckers!

Halloween family pic- my hay fever ruined it

Trick-or-treat parade at Dad's school

The Force vs the Dark Side


It's been a while..

I realized the other day that it's been a long time since I've updated our blog! I have actually made a few attempts, but for some reason I cannot get my pictures to post. If anyone has any ideas of why I'm having this problem, maybe you could give me some tips!

Today is our ANNIVERSARY! I can't believe we've been married for six years! Every year just gets better and better. In so many ways it seems like I've known Ryan forever. It's weird to think of life before I knew him, it's hard to imagine it. I love you, Ry, and look forward to so many more years ahead, pretty much eternity. :)

So as for an update, we are excited it's fall and are looking forward to the start of all the fun holidays. It was such a fun, fast summer. We were in Utah for a whole month, which was so great, we loved being home. For Ryan, it was a shorter break this year since he took the boards. We are so glad to have those out of the way, he did great! It's nice to get back and get into the swing of things again. As soon as I can figure out the glitch with the pictures, I will post them!