Saturday, July 28, 2012

2 Months Old


Growth: We just had her 2 month appointment (a few days after her 2 month mark). She weighs 11 lb 2 oz (70th percentile), is 23" tall (75th percentile), and has a 14 3/4" head (40th percentile). We are loving her SUPER chubby cheeks and the rolls she's got in all the right places. The newborn clothes have been packed away, and we are trying to get through all the 0-3 month clothes a few times before she outgrows them. My sisters have given me TOTES of clothing, which I have not even opened because she has so many cute things. I'm trying hard to get everything worn!

Sleep: Right around 8 weeks, she started sleeping 8 hours at night consistently. She eats at around 8:30-9:00 and goes to bed for the night until 5 or 5:30. Then straight back to sleep until around 8:30, when she is still super sleepy after a big meal. She has started to be a little crazy with napping...just wanting to cat nap and not going back to sleep when she stirs or wakes from a nap. Some days it seems like she doesn't sleep at all! I have finally taken to putting her on her stomach for all her naps, which seems to be helping from what I can tell. I got the go-ahead from the pediatrician for her to sleep on her stomach, so I feel really good about that plan.

Tricks: She finally decided to smile BIG at around 6 weeks and hasn't looked back. She is very good at her social smile...smiling back at anyone who smiles at her or talks to her. She is also finding her voice and enjoying her cooing. She doesn't want to hold a rattle and she hasn't shown interest in any rolling yet, but I am not in a hurry for this little one to grow up. I want the time to pass as slowly as possible!

Other: Noelle got her first big set of immunizations yesterday, and she did not do well with them. :( She cried, hard, for what seems like the first time ever. I knew she must be in pain because I have never heard her cry like that, or be inconsolable like she was. If I even moved her around the rest of the day she would start into the same cry, so we went with some Tylenol and tried not to move at all. She slept from about 2 pm clear until this morning, waking up only to eat, and only a little at each meal. She seems to be feeling better today! Seeing your baby in pain is the worst thing in the world, so I'm happy to deal with immunizations rather than the diseases they protect from.

Noelle LOVES watching Rajko. He will dance for her or talk to her, and she keeps her eyes glued on him whenever he is around. It's so fun to imagine how they will be as they grow up. I love my kids so much and I know that being a mother is the greatest blessing a person could ever have. I am loving the newborn experience and I'm not looking forward to leaving my kids again when dance starts. I wish I could take them with me! My biggest hope for the Fall is to find some great in-home help.

Loving loving loving having two sweet kids... stay tuned!

Friday, June 29, 2012

1 Month Old!


Growth: Noelle weighs just over 9 lbs. She has nice chubby cheeks and her legs are starting to fill out. No rolls yet, but they're on the way! She can still rock a few newborn outfits but most are too small. All the newborn sleepers are too short for her now.

Sleep: She is a good little sleeper. She naps well during the day and does a 6 hour stretch at night. She did sleep 8 hours one night, but it didn't stick. I'm hope she will stretch out to the 8 hour mark in the next few weeks! She loves to sleep on her tummy, so I let her nap on her tummy while I can supervise. She is in a cradle in our room but I'm planning on moving her to a crib in her room when she starts sleeping through the night. She gets swaddled for most naps and always at bedtime. She is pretty good at squirming/fussing herself to sleep and doesn't need much persuasion to go to sleep. She loves the Soothie binky, just like big brother.

Tricks: Looking cute! That's pretty much it. She doesn't seem to be interested in smiling at us just yet. She is GREAT at burping and needs to burp often in order to feel super happy.

Other: Just like big brother, Noelle started acting like a reflux baby right at two weeks. We quickly got her on Prevacid, and she is doing well with that medication. She is so sweet and is much more calm than big brother was. She is rarely fussy and almost never cries. She is being blessed in the Woodland Ward on Sunday, July 1st.

We love our big 1 month old!

Don't come up here!

The other day, I was sitting in my room feeding Noelle while Rajko was upstairs watching T.V. and playing with all his toys in the playroom. Things started to get a little noisy up there. Things started to get a little MORE noisy up there. Finally, I was sure that either The Hulk or a burglar was upstairs tearing the house to pieces. I did not want to interrupt feeding the baby, so I called upstairs to Rajko to see what was going on.

Me: Rajko...what are you doing???

Rajko: Mommy!! Don't come up here!

Me: Why? Did you make a mess???

Rajko: No... Just some lots of stuff fell over!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Our sweet little bundle arrived safe and sound to us on May 23rd. She has been the absolutely best newborn! She is a great little sleeper and hardly ever fusses or cries. I'm kind of glad that Rajko was a difficult baby because it really makes me appreciate this sweet little princess. We love our Ayla Noelle!

Noah is SO busy that I decided to buy a template for her birth announcement instead of buggin him to make one. I found this one on Pinterest, of course, and purchased it here:

I'm so glad I live in a time where technology makes everything so EASY!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Worth blogging about...

Not that we haven't had blog-worthy things going on in our life. Buying and renovating a house should certainly qualify!! But I have been hindered in my blogging by the fact that my pictures are not on my computer. I have run out of memory so they are stored on an external hard drive and I just never find the time to pull it out, get pictures off my camera, save them to the external, and also blog about them before putting everything away.

Luckily....Noah scanned these photos for me after we went to the doctor this week. We found out we are having a


Making her internet debut is baby girl, due June 2, 2012. Enjoy!!