Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Zac's Special Olympics


Zac's Fans

Annie and Zac

Tanya and Zac

Zac and Bishop Jacobsen

Zac and Jesus


The Great!!!

Well, I have to say that I wish I could've been there but I couldn't. Eliza was sick as a dog. She was throwing up everywhere so I had the honor of staying home with her and taking care of her. But, I did hear that Zac's Special Olympics was awesome!!! He won 2 Golds and 1 Silver. Golds from his race and Silver from the Softball Throw. Zac was excited as usual and he had a blast. He had the best crowd as always and they cheered him on. It was his day. It was also mom's b-day so they all went to Chili's to eat. It was a day to remember. You are the man, Zac!!! We love you!!!