Sunday, May 28, 2017

Ty pictures and Amber

I took some pictures of Ty at the temple for his baptism announcement. Amber tagged along and I got some cute shots of her too.

Eli's confirmation

Eli is Nate's cousin's son, and he was confirmed in the Catholic church this week. I went and took some pictures of him and some family before. I had never been to mass before. It was interesting. Glad we could be there with him.

Pics of Tanner at school

Tanner's teacher takes a lot of pictures of their class and posts them on their class Dojo page and she let me have some of them. 
They are doing an ABC countdown to the end of the school year. Each letter they get to do or have something that starts with a letter of the alphabet. Some favorited were I, for ice cream day. L, for licorice. J for jersey day.
H was Hat day.
 G day was Griffin Creek day, so they were their school colors orange and black.
 C was crazy hair day. 
This picture on the left has a story. Tanner's class was supposed to go on a field trip to Crater Lake. Nate was going to go with Tanner too. They get to White City and get a phone call that there are 40 mph winds and maybe snowfall at Crater Lake, so the teachers decided to turn back. So they did Crater Lake activities in the classroom instead. This was a picture that Tanner and his partner drew of the crater. Nate and I enjoyed a day together since he had already taken the day off. We went to lunch. 

 Nere is Tanner's class in the library. He has a really great class and teacher.

Busy Week

 Tanner had a track meet this week. He did the softball throw, which I guess is a little kid version of shot put. He did the 4x400 relay and standing broad jump. It was a hot day; in the 90's. 
Here are the cheerleaders.
I picked radishes this week. They are the first things to come out of my garden.
I went on a field trip with Ashlyn's class to the train park.

The kids had their annual Agony of de Feet race at their school. Just the boys did the 2k this year. There was a raffle afterwards and the boys each got prizes. 
Dallin got a 5-in-1 backyard activity set from the raffle, so we set the net up and they've been having fun with it for days. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Spring Sports

It was a busy spring! Dallin played soccer. He really liked playing goalie. Watching Tanner play baseball made him think about wanting to try that next time.
 Tanner played baseball, and was nominated to try out for All Stars. He did well as pitcher and catcher. 
 Ashlyn has turned out to be a pretty awesome soccer player. Really aggressive and she has endurance. The season started out with 6 players, but 2 broke arms before the season started so they couldn't play. There were 4 players at each game so she got a lot of playing time, and loved it.
Now for summer break. Dallin may do Junior Giant baseball since he feels like he missed out this spring. But other than that, not much planed as far as sports. Oh, besides some swim lessons.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Rain Gutter Regata

The cub scouts had a rain gutter regatta this year. They have now participated in a pinewood derby, space derby and now the regatta. It was fun. This was my favorite to watch. 

Life lately

I got a couple packages one day and the kids spent the afternoon constructing things out of the boxes. Best activity ever! Dallin told me his was a coin slot machine, then it was a building, then it was an obstacle course for his little lego guy. Then it was a soccer trainer because he could kick something and it would pop back and he could keep kicking.
Ashlyn mad a car. And Amber just colored all over hers.

 Play date with Suade and Aizley. 
The weather has been getting nice, so I walked with Ashlyn and Dallin to school one day. Dallin has started to walk to and from school everyday. I am glad he likes to get the exercise. Dallin actually races the bus home, so he runs. I think he  may like cross country when he is older.

They celebrated Ambers birthday at preschool.

Amber graduate from preschool this week. It was such a fun year for her. There were 4 girls in her class, and they had a good time. 

 Amber went on a field trip to a farm. 

Tanner has been LOVING baseball. He has gotten so good. His favorite position is pitcher, then he likes catcher, and first base. He was invited to try out for All Starts, but they may practice on Sundays, so that will probably be a no go.