Sunday, December 04, 2016

Couple videos

Amber was "reading" Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do You See? Listen to how she does macaroni penguin. 

Tanner learned a song in music class. Do you know which it is?


We headed up to Washington to hang out with Nate's brother's family for Thanksgiving. We got to see their new house and play with cousins. It was a good time. 
One of the highlight was seeing Moana. Such a cute show and the music from the sound track has been stuck in our heads since we saw it. 

 Got to the theater early so we messed for a bit.

It was rainy and gloomy the whole time we were there, so lots of indoor activities. The kids watched Finding Dory while we got food ready. 

 Mickie taking out the huge turkey. We probably didn't even eat half of it.
 Matt cutting it up, and Dallin watching.
 The kids all waiting to eat. 
 Amber threw up a couple times on Thanksgiving morning, but felt ok to eat. Always a bummer to be sick on a holiday like Thanksgiving. 
Playing a little Connect Four.
 We made tie dye shirts before we went up there so some of us had them on. 

Just keep swimming...

 Amber has done some more swim lessons. She is getting more and more comfortable in the water. She will float on her back comfortably now.

She loves jumping off the edge and giving her teacher a high five.
She should move up to a higher class next time. Glad she's having a fun time and getting safer in the water.