Sunday, July 31, 2016


I am not one to take selfies, but Ashlyn and I were at a baseball game, and Amber had fallen asleep so we stayed in the car with her so she could finish her nap. 
So, to pass the time...

Making Music

I keep some containers for food storage, and my kids found my stash and made drums out of them one morning. I love these little things that they come up with on their own.


There is a man at church who has a pool the he lets us use, so we went there a couple times this week when it was over 100 degrees outside.
They are all getting to be confident swimmers.

My parents came with us one day. The girls love their grandpa.
Ashlyn is starting to swim without floaties. I never thought I would see the day. The poor thing sinks because she has no fat on her. This pool is the perfect depth for a beginner swimmer, plus it has a diving board for the boys to keep working on their dives and cannon balls.


My cousin was in town with here kids and we went to Park and Play for the jumpy house and splash park. Ashlyn loves her second cousin Maysa.
We have gone to different water parks this summer. This was Amber at the Jacksonville one.
 And Dallin getting his head stuck in the chair. I had to take the chair apart to get his head out.

I thought this was pretty sweet. Amber grabbed Dallin's wrist on our way into church last week. 

This rarely happens, I guess we wore the kids out that day. 
Ashlyn's friend Hope has the same dress, they both wore it to church today. So cute.
 Amber had been coming into our room for a couple of nights. I can't sleep with a kid in bed with me, so I put all our decorative pillows on the floor and covered them with a blanket, and she was happy to sleep there. Luckily the fun-ness of that wore off, and she is back to her own bed.

Sunday, July 24, 2016


Nate took the kids to the fair this week. Like baseball, that is not really my scene. Glad Nate likes to do this kind of thing with them since I don't. 
They went to see a magician that was on America's Got Talent a few years ago.

Rogues game

I am not a big baseball fan but Nate and the kids love it. They have gone to a couple of games, and Tanner has always been very lucky to catch fly balls and he caught a t shirt. They always stay after for autographs.
I went to one game, and I ended up putting ear buds in and listening to an audiobook. :) 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Blackberries and Baseball

This video of Amber in the stroller makes me smile. It is so "Amber". The pink converse with a skirt. The swim suit; she always wants to wear a swimsuit. Her legs crossed. The flowers in her hands; she always likes to have something in both hands. And singing a song. She's so fun!

We love black berries. There are a few spots not to far from our house were we go pick them.
Amber looks like she got a sour one.

The kids are fans of the Rogues. They play locally and we go to several games each summer. A few players came to the library to meet people and we got to hang out with them for a little bit. They played the Wii with the kids.  

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Britt Children's Festival

I was so happy that Nate could come with us this year! I have gone alone the last couple years and 4 kids is a lot to keep track of!
Tanner loved finding "gold" when we went panning. 

We saw lots of friends and neighbors there. Amber decorated a bag with my good friend Bree.

The kids got cotton candy so the last half of the pictures they all have blue mouths.

 Really blue mouths. :) Amber had a blue beard. It was pretty funny. We were too lazy to take her to the bathroom to get it cleaned off.

Dallin LOVES science. He is already talking about doing another volcano experiment at home.

 Nate is in his glasses because he is getting ready to have LASIK! Yikes! We hope he qualifies for it. He has a consultation years ago and they told him he wasn't a good candidate. So, we will see.

Some pictures from Nate's phone.
Amber playing with bubbles, and Dallin doing tie dye.

The girls enjoying cotton candy.

 Face painting, and the talking trash.

Origami and painting.

Legos, and me and Amber watching the stage perfromances.